Senin, 03 Desember 2012

Sometimes Indonesia Inter gelding Papuans
The Papuans with the Papua New Guinea (PNG) is both derivative Melanesian race, and has a cultural characteristic and appropriate manners origin. They are not Europeans, they are not American, they are not the Malays, especially people of Indonesia, such as Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and others. "The Papuans are Papuans, Melanesians. Unlike Indonesia connotations over the years, "said Ambros Jellay, Humanitarian activists told reporters in Papua New Guinea, Saturday (17/6). He assessed the situation in Papua has always been castrated by the people of Indonesia, after its interests in Papua, especially the wealth and economy of the island's cassowary. "The Papuans have the appropriate customs and traditions origin, the same as in PNG. All devices attached to the custom 200's over the scattered tribes in Papua, Melanesia different but typical, "he added. Not like and imitate the manners and habits of western Indonesia, ranging from Java, especially Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Bali and others. Meanwhile, a group of students and student groups in Indonesia, such as in the media received the electronic message, say, the wealth, the people of Papua, Indonesia and the mutual castrated sell among themselves, unlike the Christian; (dominant) had been believed in Papua . The seller of the Papua Papua is Indonesia diperralat through various means. As a civil servant, serving Indonesian Political Position in the House, or in the executive Indonesia. "Only a few dared to voice the people's voice is small, consequently're always suppressed and killed," he said after the shooting of Mako Tabuni and other Papuans by the Indonesian military. Issues such, Indonesia apparently has no way other than oppose the Papuans in the land of their ancestors. The only solution is a referendum for Papua. (Laxes)