Kamis, 17 Januari 2013

Thousands of People Have Demo Preview Papua Human Rights Commission

Citizen Action of Papua in Manokwari. Photo: Roy Karoba
Manokwari, MAJALAH SELANGKAH - Thousands of people of Papua in Manokwari, West Papua province staged a peaceful ask the Human Rights Commission urges review of Papua and Indonesia for the settlement of cases of human rights violations in Papua, on Thursday (17/1), at 11.00 local time.
Citizen Action of Papua in Manokwari. Photo: Roy Karoba
Marthen Manggaprouw to majalahselangkah.com said initially Papua masses gathered beside the Sports Hall (GOR) Sanggeng Manokwari. Then, the mass ASKI longmarch to the main street in the town of Manokwari, to Elim Church, Kwawi.
It is said, the people of Papua Human Rights Commission urged the United Nations to intervene fairest investigation to resolve the problems in Papua. .
Expansions peaceful protest was marred Independence Flag Symbol Papua, the Morning Star of various sizes.
"People took the Morning Star flag ranging from the smallest, most moderate to large. There is a flag that bind in the wood and there held in the hand. People carrying 7 banner banners, and accompanied by the music group, and 2 flute drum group and 2 group Tifa (WOOR). Mass action berfariasi among others there are children, women and men and the elderly, "said Marthen.
Reportedly, had been a period of tension between the police and take action Morning Star. Police seize Morning Star was held by one of the youths. However, negotiation action coordinator, Mark Yenus to fruition. The period continued with peaceful action to complete.
Marthen said about 200 security forces personnel armed police descended Manokwari to secure the action. Officials came with guns 2 trucks, 8 motorcycles ambushed workers (Buser) complete with guns, 1 truck crowd control (Dalmas), uniformed police officers were unarmed, and 1 police truck Reskrim.
Along the way the masses continue to deliver political speeches and raised the Morning Star flag. At this point in the churchyard Kwawi finish, followed by political speeches by Papuans. (Jekson Ikomou / MS)

KNPB: Bomb in Wamena, Papua Struggle Disrupt Skenari Person

KNPB spokesman, Wim R. Medlama @ Hengky Yeimo
Jayapura, step MAGAZINE - West Papua National Committee (KNPB) through its spokesman Wim R. Medlama said the discovery of a bomb in sekeretariat KNPB Wamena made by certain elements to confuse the struggle Papua.
It was announced by a spokesman (spokesperson) KNPB to majalahselangkah.com at his residence, Jayapura, Papua, on Monday (14/1).
"The discovery of a bomb in the secretariat KNPB in Wamena Baliem area on Saturday, September 29, 2012 and is a scenario that is played by certain elements. Intentionally placed homemade bombs KNPB secretariat to blame this organization (KNPB: red, "says Wim.
"Because we never learned about how to make bombs," he said.
He said, KNPB center received a report from the chairman of KNPB Baliem area that the discovery of the bomb had clarified when interrogated at the police station Jayawijaya.
"We've got reports of direct mail from Simion Dabi recognition that he has conveyed honestly about the ownership of the bomb," says Wim.
It said Wim, Simion Dabi said openly owner and bombings in Wamena some time ago allegedly by Heri Kosay on the commands certain elements who want to defame KNPB in the eyes of the people of Papua.
Therefore, he said, according to the national program to mediate a peaceful people and demanded the right of self-determination for West Papua then KNPB have expressed attitude.
"The first attitude, KNPB not responsible for bombings in Wamena. The second attitude Papua Police immediately investigate the motives and interests behind the person who put and KNPB behalf to carry out bombings. The third attitude, KNPB urged KNPB scapegoat in an attempt to stop acts of terror. The fourth attitude, KNPB struggle peacefully and never had a bomb rafts program or bombing. Attitude fifth, immediately mebebaskan Simion et al Dabii chairman KNPB Wamena arrested without clear evidence, "says Wim. (Hengky Yeimo/023/MS)