Minggu, 06 Oktober 2013


Corpse Alpius  mote
Surabaya, 5/10 ( Jubi ) - Chairman of the Student Forum and Mahsiswa Deiyai ​​Study City of Jayapura , Papua , Elius Pekei , urged the head of Resort Police ( Police ) Paniai , Commissioner Semi Roni Abba to immediately process and follow up the police officers who shot to Alpius Mote , a student in the District Deiyai ​​, through legal procedures in force in the Republic of Indonesia ( Republic of Indonesia ) ." Paniai Police immediately follow up to the police officers who shot a student in the district Deiyai ​​, " said Elius Pekei by mobile phone to reporters tabloidjubi.com , Saturday ( 5/10 ) . According Elius , after the shooting occurred until now , the public clearly do not know the process and the follow-up to the police . So , he added , the police immediately process in accordance with the clear legal mechanism . " When Police will follow up on this police " asked Elius Pekei .Selian it , he added , sweeping conducted by security forces in the district Deiyai ​​, can increase the trauma for the people who run the activity . " I hope that in doing raids by security forces in Deiyai ​​can interfere with psychology for the people , so no need to go overboard when necessary should not raid " he said .When reporters tabloidjubi.com confirmation via Short Message Service ( SMS ) to the Head of Resort Police ( Police ) Paniai , Commissioner Semi Roni Abba , Saturday ( 5/10 ) , but Paniai Police did not reply to SMS messages sent by the reporter .As you know, clashes between residents with military and police security forces exploded in the District Tigi , Deiyai ​​Regency , Papua , precisely in the field Wagete , Monday, September 23 at around 11:30 CET , resulting in a student Alpius Mote , breathed his last at General Hospital (Hospital ) Paniai , after the shooting by police officers . ( Jubi / Ones Madai )