Increased anxiety and Emergency Situations in West Papua after a violent military / police led to 13 people were killed in (24h) twenty-four hours.
Voice Baptist Jayapura, - Violence broke out again after two battalions Wamena military personnel who ride a motorcycle crashed into and killed a boy.
The family did not accept their son in a hit, the population of military personnel are attacking both of them have been killed and only in-patient hospital Wamena.
As the combined forces revenge TNI / police brutality and uncontrolled, while the police reportedly beat and shot several people, while the data on the victims who gathered some 13 people were shot and killed instantly in the incident 06/06 at 07 at night.
Up to 500 homes have been burned by the soldiers allegedly with all the goods and treasure on earth scorching in quotation Newzeland radiator.
Local human rights sources said the bullets that were fired indiscriminately and that dozens of people have been beaten and shot by soldiers.
Until this news was sent down, can not be in the confirmation and verification because the real situation is very urgent and tertutut for the people and journalists and humanitarian workers.
Papua expert, Greg Poulgrain told Radio Australia Connect Asia said that the current situation in Papua needs serious attention.
Papua current situation is an emergency, officials can not be controlled by humanitarian workers because the apparatus is very brutal and banya catching and shooting without hair, it needs no special advocacy and international intervention on the current situation.
Voice Baptist Jayapura, - Violence broke out again after two battalions Wamena military personnel who ride a motorcycle crashed into and killed a boy.
The family did not accept their son in a hit, the population of military personnel are attacking both of them have been killed and only in-patient hospital Wamena.
As the combined forces revenge TNI / police brutality and uncontrolled, while the police reportedly beat and shot several people, while the data on the victims who gathered some 13 people were shot and killed instantly in the incident 06/06 at 07 at night.
Up to 500 homes have been burned by the soldiers allegedly with all the goods and treasure on earth scorching in quotation Newzeland radiator.
Local human rights sources said the bullets that were fired indiscriminately and that dozens of people have been beaten and shot by soldiers.
Until this news was sent down, can not be in the confirmation and verification because the real situation is very urgent and tertutut for the people and journalists and humanitarian workers.
Papua expert, Greg Poulgrain told Radio Australia Connect Asia said that the current situation in Papua needs serious attention.
Papua current situation is an emergency, officials can not be controlled by humanitarian workers because the apparatus is very brutal and banya catching and shooting without hair, it needs no special advocacy and international intervention on the current situation.
Kekhawatiran dan Situasi Darurat meningkat di Papua Barat setelah terjadi kekerasan
TNI/Polri menyebabkan 13 orang tewas dalam (24jam) dua puluh empat jam
Jayapura VB,--Kekerasan kembali pecah setelah dua personil TNI batalyon wamena yang mengendarai sepeda motor menabrak hingga tewas seorang anak laki-laki.
Para keluarga tidak menerima anaknya mereka di tabrak, penduduk
menyerang kedua personil TNI tersebut diantaranya telah tewas dan
satunya di rawat RS wamena.
balas dendam Aparat gabungan TNI/Polri brutal dan tak terkendalikan , sementara polisi dilaporkan memukul dan menembaki sejumlah
orang, sementara data korban yang di himpun sejumlah 13 orang tewas tertembak seketika dalam insiden itu 06/06 pukul 07 malam.
Sampai dengan 500 rumah diduga telah dibakar oleh tentara dengan semua barang dan hartanya di bumi hanguskan.
Hak asasi manusia lokal sumber mengatakan peluru tajam yang ditembakkan tanpa pandang bulu dan bahwa puluhan orang telah dipukuli dan ditembak oleh tentara.
Hak asasi manusia lokal sumber mengatakan peluru tajam yang ditembakkan tanpa pandang bulu dan bahwa puluhan orang telah dipukuli dan ditembak oleh tentara.
berita ini di turunkan, belum bisa di konfirmasi dan verifikasi karena
situasi riil sangat urgen dan tertutut bagi rakyat dan jurnalis serta
pekerja kemanusiaan.
Ahli masalah Papua, Greg Poulgrain kepada Connect Asia Radio Australia
mengatakan bahwa situasi terkini di Papua perlu mendapat perhatian
Situasi papua saat ini sangat darurat, para aparat tidak di kontrol oleh
pekerja kemanusiaan karena aparat sangat brutal dan banya penangkapan
dan penembakan tanpa bulu, perlu ada advokasi khusus dan intevensi
internasional atas situasi saat ini.
Kabungan TNI-POLRI dan Anggota BRIMOB- KOPASSUS, Telah Menembak Masyarakat
Sipil, dengan Membakar Rumah Mereka Tanpa Alasan yang Jelas.
06 Juni 2012
Korban Jiwa Manusia
Orang Tewas
Orang Luka-luka
Kebakaran Rumah Masyarakat Sipil
Bangunan Rumah
Di Wamena Kota
(Militer Indonesia) Wimane Sili
752 Wamena