Jakarta-Papua dialogue Political Will Wait for President
Taha Alhamid |
dialogue as a form of resolution to the problems in Papua road or no
road is no longer the people of Papua. But only a matter of judgment or political (political will) President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Because
the Jakarta-Papua dialogue is a political decision of the Papuans since
year 2000, through intensive work by the Papua Peace Network (JDP).This
was conveyed by the Secretary General of the Papua Presidium Council
(PDP) Alhamid Taha contacted via phone in Jayapura on Wednesday (26/9). He
said if the President has expressed his commitment, resolve Papua
should be done with care, the Jakarta-Papua dialogue agenda superior.Nevertheless, he said, at any given moment appear DR. Farid Husein, Presidential Advisory Council, DPD, etc., makes the basic view of the dialogue is different."We the people of Papua have political decisions. We already know. Talk within the framework would invite anyone. Papuans who are overseas, please. All the framework is already in JDP I've seen it. And that we support. So actually only one key word political will alone. Simple to, "he said.According to him, when the leaders of the Church of Papua beraudensi with President has conveyed a desire to dialogue about. The format how. What material. What goal. Stay was right. No need to retreat again. That is what should be encouraged, especially Wantimpres is working with JDP. In cooperation with the Hussein Farid special authority to formulate a frame of dialogue. What would be discussed. How. What is the material and what other mechanisms to address what the president asked. "I can see kwatirnya about dialog only Jakarta had a team. Voice Special in the name Farid Husein, Wantimpres. Will there be more of the Political and Security Affairs, DPD whether they coordinate. This kwatir confront precisely this fact. Though Jakarta-Papua dialogue is conical. Difficult
what if for example the President with authority to call Farid Husein,
Wantimpres okay you sit talking with friends from Papua represented by
JDP. And sure JDP would talk to religious leaders with various stake holders that are here representing Papua New JDP go. "Well that's where discussed and arranged frame of dialogue. When to start a dialogue and so on. It should be black and white signature before the fall of President SBY. That's what I saw was not the coming exploration. One came exploration again.Asked barriers launch Jakarta-Papua dialogue, he added, the political will is not strong enough. Tell to dialogue. Want
to resolve Papua carefully but actual policy-policy that is not shown
in that direction as militaristic approaches are still visible.He said it kwatir team down to Papua's much later confront questions that began to mature. Confront an issue that has worked long and have started to mature."Now we just wait for the command of the President. Okay you're in the frame of dialogue stacking month to talk with the government, "he said. (Mdc/don/l03)