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A mother with her son walking in public to ask for any justice in Papua (doc). |
By Selpius BobiiWest Papua continued to smolder. West Papua into the arena of conflicting interests of various parties. This
is a result of the Political Rights of West Papua nation which has
pledged unilaterally by the Netherlands, the United States and the
United Nations into the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia
(Republic of Indonesia).
between supporters of the Red White and Morning Star supporters, or
more precisely, the conflict between ideology
Pancasila and the ideology of Mambruk increasing sharply. This conflict created by the Netherlands, United States, Indonesia and the United Nations. The roots of conflict in West Papua is the annexation of West Papua independence in Homeland in 1960.
Suffering memory (Memoria Passionist) imprint in every soul Papuans who are victims of violence of the Republic of Indonesia (RI). Yesterday there was a conflict, the conflict is still going on and it will continue to happen as long as the people of Papua are in the Homeland. This further adds to the conflict suffering memory for native Papuans.
Conflict and struggle between ideology Pancasila ideology Mambruk more fiery in every valley, in every mountain, on every coast, in every alley way, the conflict continues to smolder and scorch the souls of innocent human beings. West Papua as the world's lungs, which stores oxygen for the world's reserves are increasingly destroyed by a lot of timber and mining companies, which were given permission by RI.
The roots of the conflict spawned two subsequent issues, namely issues of Human Rights Violations (HAM) or State Crime against indigenous Papuans, which resulted in the genocide in Papua. And problems of injustice in the various dimensions of life that lead to discrimination, marginalization, and minoritasi indigenous Papuans in the land of his ancestors.
That's the face of West Papua yesterday, today faces West Papua and West Papua face the day tomorrow for the people of Papua in the grip of the Homeland. Indeed, this is the desired state of the State of Indonesia since the people of West Papua into the Republic of Indonesia annexed unilaterally in 1960 - an.
Any conflict of interests is reminiscent of indigenous Papuans in a general statement Murtopo when assigned by the President (Sukarno) to seize the nation of West Papua into the Republic of Indonesia. Murtopo said: "We just love the ground water and natural resources of Papua, Papuan people not loving. If there Papuans want independence, we will tell the United States to move you to the moon."
RI just fell in love with the country of Papua are lush and beautiful, and natural resources of Papua. But RI is not in love with the land owners who inhabits in West Papua. Therefore, while mastering the homeland and seize Papua's natural riches, the owner of his land directly killed by the Indonesian and indirectly. RI hated, terrorized, raped, tortured, insulted, and massacred indigenous Papuans. That's what happened yesterday, it's still happening today, and will do so even on the day tomorrow for the people of West Papua are still in the Homeland.
To get out of all forms of tyranny and colonial RI allies, the Papuans are struggling yesterday, today and tomorrow are still struggling will continue to fight for full independence of Papua.In the course of the struggle of West Papua has claimed, are being killed and will also take its toll. Yesterday Papuans had sacrificed material, time, energy is not small, even many human lives in West Papua victims RI apparatus muzzle end.
Today indigenous people still sacrifice their time, energy, thoughts, feelings and material, and even some human souls who fell bleeding from contact with hot lead from the Indonesian authorities. Day tomorrow even Papuans will continue to sacrifice their time, energy, thoughts, feelings, material, and even also the soul of innocent human beings will fall anyway.
West Papuans have walked the struggle for more than 50 years, but has not yet come to the ultimate goal of total freedom (sovereign). For 50 years people of West Papua have been voiced, but the voice of the Papuan people crashed into the desert silence, with no reaction and no real action.
Although no reaction from others who care about the voice of West Papua, but it was not enough to reduce the frequency of conflict in Papua; although no real action from the noble-hearted fellow to help the people of Papua, but it was not enough to avoid a conflict of political ideology between RI and the nation West Papua. While there are those who care about the reaction of the people of Papua, but most of them just talk to RI and improve the system of public service.
Although there is a reaction from those who care, but it's just talking to rectify the false prosperity. Until now there is no real steps of the nation's independent nation in the world and the United Nations to break the chain of Indonesian occupation and its allies. In short, indigenous people of West Papua has demanded a de jure recognized as a sovereign state, but answered with anything else that is not demanded by the people of West Papua (aka Another asked, answered with another. Indeed it is ironic indeed! But that's what the people of Papua is a natural, unspoiled and will also be experienced during the Papuan people under the colonization Homeland.
Felt there was no way for the people of West Papua to get out of the cycle of conflict. But the people of West Papua have a strong belief that there must be a way to get out of the shackles of colonialism crisis every soul Papuans. There is definitely a dignified solution to realize the spiritual and physical welfare of the Nation State sovereignty of West Papua.
United Nations organizations based in the United States was formed to protect and respect for every human being in the world. The organization is tasked to uphold human rights, truth, justice, democracy and maintaining world peace. But precisely this is what the United Nations has sacrificed the Papuan people in the 1960s and were sacrificed, and will continue to sacrifice the nation of Papua, as long as there has been no action from the United Nations to break the chain of Indonesian occupation and its allies.
We assess that the United Nations has not optimally enforce human rights, particularly in the case of West Papua. The United Nations has acted as a bridge to achieve political and economic interests of Indonesia and the United States with the annexation of the nation of Papua into the Republic of Indonesia in the 1960s.
PT Freeport in Timika be authentic proof the conspiracy arena interests of America and the Republic of Indonesia. UN mortgaged West Papua to Indonesia because of economic interests, security and politics alone. From this fact, we ask: "is it possible UN organization was formed to provide a bridge to the colonial countries, to seize control of the ground water and natural resources, as well as eradicate the indigenous communities with arbitrary?"
Once Nations mortgaged to the State of West Papua Indonesia, the United Nations and support the State allow Indonesia to continue to colonize the indigenous people of West Papua. So far, the UN does not sanction firm and hard to the State of Indonesia on the State of Human Rights Violations and Crimes against Papuans.
UN agencies for this is to provide recommendations to RI to be considered and implemented. That is, if there are many parties that highlights cases that occurred in Indonesia, including cases in Papua. RI turned out not to really really implement the recommendations of the UN agencies.
Indonesian state as a member of the United Nations have failed to carry out the general principles and lofty contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations and other international legal covenants covenants, even Indonesia has failed to implement the 1945 Constitution.
RI failure in protecting and respecting human dignity Papua is also the UN's failure in developing countries Indonesia as one of the official members of the United Nations.We assess that the UN has not fully realize the moral responsibility and has failed to protect and respect human dignity in West Papua. Because the UN is allowing and supporting the RI as one member of the United Nations continues to colonize the indigenous people of Papua.
If the UN organization is to protect and fight for human rights enforcement, then certainly the Papuans do not become victims of human rights promoted by the United Nations. If the United Nations to fight for justice, then surely the Papuans do not become victims of Justice and the UN certainly do their job properly at the time of Dutch and Indonesian struggle for West Papua.
If the United Nations to uphold democracy, then surely the Papuans do not become victims of democracy that has been manipulated by the time the Act of Papua in 1969, the legal and moral defects.
If so, the United Nations was formed for what and for whom? If the UN organizations are concerned about the humanitarian emergency covertly terrible is happening in West Papua, the UN certainly has begun to take concrete steps for humanitarian intervention in Papua.
Or is the UN is waiting and after a humanitarian intervention will largely destroyed indigenous people of the land of his ancestors? Humanitarian model of what is being awaited by the United Nations to intervene? Need we say that every time the Papuans dead for many reasons.
Have died from being poisoned, die struck, die from consuming liquor high alcohol content which is not eligible for sale in grocery stores, died of HIV / AIDS, died because health care is inadequate and half-hearted, poorly gisi die, die under torture, trouma die, die because of structural poverty, died from being shot, kidnapped and killed, and others.
RI does not provide access for foreign journalists, foreign human rights workers, or foreign non-governmental organizations to visit to West Papua, as Indonesia did not give permission to the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression (Frank LaRue) at the beginning of 2013 is evidence that in Papua closed to foreigners, because it is in the land of Papua is happening covertly humanitarian emergency, but it was terrible. And it is threatening the existence of indigenous people living in the land of their ancestors.
Indonesian state take four approaches to destroy the nation of West Papua, the security approach, legal, cultural and social well-being full of pseudo-discriminatory (immigrant bias). In Papua, democratic space was completely closed with the various rules and unethical deceivingly.
Many Papuan human rights activist was arrested and in jail. Not given access to the Papuan people to demonstrate for free speech or peaceful. Indonesian authorities even banned and dissolved worship celebration in the open field that would commemorate the historic events of West Papua, as occurred on December 1, 2012 at Tomb Field late Theys H Eluay. Open military operations (eg in Puncak Jaya, Paniai also being held) and covert military operations have been applied in Papua.
International community to stem pressure on all forms of crimes against the State of Indonesia and the Papuan people to stem the political aspirations of Papua Merdeka, the Indonesian state in 2001 to unilaterally impose implement Act (Act) Papua Special Autonomy, even though indigenous Papuans reject firmly Special Autonomy that.
In the implementation of the Special Autonomy Law for 12 years proved that already failed miserably to protect and respect and uphold the basic rights of indigenous people, including the right to life and did not answer the political rights of the Papuan nation to full independence. Failure of special autonomy was found also in the evaluation of the implementation of the special autonomy law, which was held between December 25 to 27 July 2013 in the Hotel Sahid Entrop - Jayapura. MRP provinces of Papua and West Papua provinces MRP facilitates approximately 300 indigenous people to participate in the evaluation. In the evaluation stated that the Papua Special Autonomy Law has failed, and recommends that the government of Indonesia and Papua dialogue, facilitated by a neutral party and held a neutral venue.
The Special Autonomy Law, the current RI are changed unilaterally into the Special Autonomy Law Plus or Government to stem the political aspirations of Papua Papua Merdeka was echoed around the world and to extend the occupation of Indonesia in West Papua.Indigenous people have decisively rejected the policies of the Indonesian political package, including Plus Special Autonomy Law or the Law on the Government of Papua and West Papua nation has asked Full Merdeka. Because the Special Autonomy Law Government Law Papua Plus or unilaterally imposed it, instead of political package that will bring destruction and doom for the existence and survival of indigenous Papuans in the land of his ancestors.
The main problem is not about the welfare of West Papua or eating and drinking, but the problem right to freedom of West Papua which has been seized and annexed to the Republic of Indonesia in 1960 - an. West Papua nation refused and will continue to refuse the package all the politics of RI policies that would be applied in West Papua. West Papuan people will fight to the RI and the nation state in the world and the United Nations recognizes the independence of West Papua.
Seen from the naked eye, in the land of Papua was calm, but under the current military operations covertly very strong and fast (calmly sweep). There is no room for human rights activists because every moment is monitored by spy Indonesia, the State Intelligence Agency, Indonesian Police, Indonesian Army, and even some of the close relatives of human rights activists were spying Indonesia, just for the sake of obtaining money or goods. This really horrible and sad!
All forms of the approach applied in Papua by Indonesia, both approaches security, legal, cultural and social welfare of the pseudo (full-discriminatory) is an act RI systematic, planned and implemented by the RI measured by the Indonesian authorities, which the fire was started by TNI and Police, as well as the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), Stratgeis Intelligence Agency (BAIS), coordination Intelligence Agency (Bakin) and a support group of the Republic of Indonesia.
Humanitarian emergency is happening shrouded in West Papua. It was a result of the annexation of the main root of the problem Papuan independence to the Republic of Indonesia in the 1960s. Roots of political problems that have spawned humanity emergency must be addressed and resolved by all parties, in particular by the United Nations and countries in the world.
Papuans were killed in the name of maintaining the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia. And the act of killing Papuans in order to safeguard the sovereignty of Republic of Indonesia, according to practical law in Indonesia can be legalized. It's totally unacceptable, both morally and International law.
Colonization by the State of Indonesia in Papua is systematic and well-planned occupation and measurable. The UN as an international organization that has a strong legitimacy and influence to take real steps to save the people of West Papua.
If emergency humanitarian disguise a very horrible in Papua is allowed by the UN and the countries in the world as an executive and in charge of protecting and respecting human rights, then predicted the Papuans will be destroyed in the timeframe 20-30 years into the future.Supporting data that is going on in the Land of Papua veiled humanitarian emergency, please visit the web and read three articles below:
1). "Ethnic Papuan Being Destroyed", the English version on the web: www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL1303/S00152/annihilation-of-indigenous-west-papuans-challenge-and-hope.htm; within language versions Indonesia you please visit and read on the web: ;
2). "Conspiracy Victim Papuan interests", please visit and read on the web: papuapost.com/2013/07/8095 / #; in the English version and read on the web visit: www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL1307/S00084 / Papua-victim-of-a-conspiracy-of-interests.htm;
3). "The United Nations as a protector or abuse of human rights", the Indonesian version of your visit and please read on the web: www.tigidoovoice.blogspot.com/2013/03/pbb-sebagai-pelindung-atau_7.html?m=1; within language versions English please you visit and read on the web: www.dissidentvoice.org/2013/03/un-as-protector-or-abuser-of-human-rights/.
Humanitarian emergency veiled systematic, planned and measurable that hit West Papua should be terminated immediately by all parties to be noble, to protect and uphold human dignity above all the interests of Papua Therefore, through this article, on the eve of 50 years of New Agreement gray (August 15, 1962 -15 August 2013), deliver me from behind prison seven points below:
First, the United Nations has a moral and legal responsibility to solve the root problem Papuan politics and other issues in the issue of West Papua, which led to marginalization, discrimination, minoritasi indigenous Papuans and humanitarian emergency veiled systematic, planned and measurable impact on ethnic cleansing Papua is slowly, but surely (slow moving genocide).
Suffering memory (Memoria Passionist) imprint in every soul Papuans who are victims of violence of the Republic of Indonesia (RI). Yesterday there was a conflict, the conflict is still going on and it will continue to happen as long as the people of Papua are in the Homeland. This further adds to the conflict suffering memory for native Papuans.
Conflict and struggle between ideology Pancasila ideology Mambruk more fiery in every valley, in every mountain, on every coast, in every alley way, the conflict continues to smolder and scorch the souls of innocent human beings. West Papua as the world's lungs, which stores oxygen for the world's reserves are increasingly destroyed by a lot of timber and mining companies, which were given permission by RI.
The roots of the conflict spawned two subsequent issues, namely issues of Human Rights Violations (HAM) or State Crime against indigenous Papuans, which resulted in the genocide in Papua. And problems of injustice in the various dimensions of life that lead to discrimination, marginalization, and minoritasi indigenous Papuans in the land of his ancestors.
That's the face of West Papua yesterday, today faces West Papua and West Papua face the day tomorrow for the people of Papua in the grip of the Homeland. Indeed, this is the desired state of the State of Indonesia since the people of West Papua into the Republic of Indonesia annexed unilaterally in 1960 - an.
Any conflict of interests is reminiscent of indigenous Papuans in a general statement Murtopo when assigned by the President (Sukarno) to seize the nation of West Papua into the Republic of Indonesia. Murtopo said: "We just love the ground water and natural resources of Papua, Papuan people not loving. If there Papuans want independence, we will tell the United States to move you to the moon."
RI just fell in love with the country of Papua are lush and beautiful, and natural resources of Papua. But RI is not in love with the land owners who inhabits in West Papua. Therefore, while mastering the homeland and seize Papua's natural riches, the owner of his land directly killed by the Indonesian and indirectly. RI hated, terrorized, raped, tortured, insulted, and massacred indigenous Papuans. That's what happened yesterday, it's still happening today, and will do so even on the day tomorrow for the people of West Papua are still in the Homeland.
To get out of all forms of tyranny and colonial RI allies, the Papuans are struggling yesterday, today and tomorrow are still struggling will continue to fight for full independence of Papua.In the course of the struggle of West Papua has claimed, are being killed and will also take its toll. Yesterday Papuans had sacrificed material, time, energy is not small, even many human lives in West Papua victims RI apparatus muzzle end.
Today indigenous people still sacrifice their time, energy, thoughts, feelings and material, and even some human souls who fell bleeding from contact with hot lead from the Indonesian authorities. Day tomorrow even Papuans will continue to sacrifice their time, energy, thoughts, feelings, material, and even also the soul of innocent human beings will fall anyway.
West Papuans have walked the struggle for more than 50 years, but has not yet come to the ultimate goal of total freedom (sovereign). For 50 years people of West Papua have been voiced, but the voice of the Papuan people crashed into the desert silence, with no reaction and no real action.
Although no reaction from others who care about the voice of West Papua, but it was not enough to reduce the frequency of conflict in Papua; although no real action from the noble-hearted fellow to help the people of Papua, but it was not enough to avoid a conflict of political ideology between RI and the nation West Papua. While there are those who care about the reaction of the people of Papua, but most of them just talk to RI and improve the system of public service.
Although there is a reaction from those who care, but it's just talking to rectify the false prosperity. Until now there is no real steps of the nation's independent nation in the world and the United Nations to break the chain of Indonesian occupation and its allies. In short, indigenous people of West Papua has demanded a de jure recognized as a sovereign state, but answered with anything else that is not demanded by the people of West Papua (aka Another asked, answered with another. Indeed it is ironic indeed! But that's what the people of Papua is a natural, unspoiled and will also be experienced during the Papuan people under the colonization Homeland.
Felt there was no way for the people of West Papua to get out of the cycle of conflict. But the people of West Papua have a strong belief that there must be a way to get out of the shackles of colonialism crisis every soul Papuans. There is definitely a dignified solution to realize the spiritual and physical welfare of the Nation State sovereignty of West Papua.
United Nations organizations based in the United States was formed to protect and respect for every human being in the world. The organization is tasked to uphold human rights, truth, justice, democracy and maintaining world peace. But precisely this is what the United Nations has sacrificed the Papuan people in the 1960s and were sacrificed, and will continue to sacrifice the nation of Papua, as long as there has been no action from the United Nations to break the chain of Indonesian occupation and its allies.
We assess that the United Nations has not optimally enforce human rights, particularly in the case of West Papua. The United Nations has acted as a bridge to achieve political and economic interests of Indonesia and the United States with the annexation of the nation of Papua into the Republic of Indonesia in the 1960s.
PT Freeport in Timika be authentic proof the conspiracy arena interests of America and the Republic of Indonesia. UN mortgaged West Papua to Indonesia because of economic interests, security and politics alone. From this fact, we ask: "is it possible UN organization was formed to provide a bridge to the colonial countries, to seize control of the ground water and natural resources, as well as eradicate the indigenous communities with arbitrary?"
Once Nations mortgaged to the State of West Papua Indonesia, the United Nations and support the State allow Indonesia to continue to colonize the indigenous people of West Papua. So far, the UN does not sanction firm and hard to the State of Indonesia on the State of Human Rights Violations and Crimes against Papuans.
UN agencies for this is to provide recommendations to RI to be considered and implemented. That is, if there are many parties that highlights cases that occurred in Indonesia, including cases in Papua. RI turned out not to really really implement the recommendations of the UN agencies.
Indonesian state as a member of the United Nations have failed to carry out the general principles and lofty contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations and other international legal covenants covenants, even Indonesia has failed to implement the 1945 Constitution.
RI failure in protecting and respecting human dignity Papua is also the UN's failure in developing countries Indonesia as one of the official members of the United Nations.We assess that the UN has not fully realize the moral responsibility and has failed to protect and respect human dignity in West Papua. Because the UN is allowing and supporting the RI as one member of the United Nations continues to colonize the indigenous people of Papua.
If the UN organization is to protect and fight for human rights enforcement, then certainly the Papuans do not become victims of human rights promoted by the United Nations. If the United Nations to fight for justice, then surely the Papuans do not become victims of Justice and the UN certainly do their job properly at the time of Dutch and Indonesian struggle for West Papua.
If the United Nations to uphold democracy, then surely the Papuans do not become victims of democracy that has been manipulated by the time the Act of Papua in 1969, the legal and moral defects.
If so, the United Nations was formed for what and for whom? If the UN organizations are concerned about the humanitarian emergency covertly terrible is happening in West Papua, the UN certainly has begun to take concrete steps for humanitarian intervention in Papua.
Or is the UN is waiting and after a humanitarian intervention will largely destroyed indigenous people of the land of his ancestors? Humanitarian model of what is being awaited by the United Nations to intervene? Need we say that every time the Papuans dead for many reasons.
Have died from being poisoned, die struck, die from consuming liquor high alcohol content which is not eligible for sale in grocery stores, died of HIV / AIDS, died because health care is inadequate and half-hearted, poorly gisi die, die under torture, trouma die, die because of structural poverty, died from being shot, kidnapped and killed, and others.
RI does not provide access for foreign journalists, foreign human rights workers, or foreign non-governmental organizations to visit to West Papua, as Indonesia did not give permission to the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression (Frank LaRue) at the beginning of 2013 is evidence that in Papua closed to foreigners, because it is in the land of Papua is happening covertly humanitarian emergency, but it was terrible. And it is threatening the existence of indigenous people living in the land of their ancestors.
Indonesian state take four approaches to destroy the nation of West Papua, the security approach, legal, cultural and social well-being full of pseudo-discriminatory (immigrant bias). In Papua, democratic space was completely closed with the various rules and unethical deceivingly.
Many Papuan human rights activist was arrested and in jail. Not given access to the Papuan people to demonstrate for free speech or peaceful. Indonesian authorities even banned and dissolved worship celebration in the open field that would commemorate the historic events of West Papua, as occurred on December 1, 2012 at Tomb Field late Theys H Eluay. Open military operations (eg in Puncak Jaya, Paniai also being held) and covert military operations have been applied in Papua.
International community to stem pressure on all forms of crimes against the State of Indonesia and the Papuan people to stem the political aspirations of Papua Merdeka, the Indonesian state in 2001 to unilaterally impose implement Act (Act) Papua Special Autonomy, even though indigenous Papuans reject firmly Special Autonomy that.
In the implementation of the Special Autonomy Law for 12 years proved that already failed miserably to protect and respect and uphold the basic rights of indigenous people, including the right to life and did not answer the political rights of the Papuan nation to full independence. Failure of special autonomy was found also in the evaluation of the implementation of the special autonomy law, which was held between December 25 to 27 July 2013 in the Hotel Sahid Entrop - Jayapura. MRP provinces of Papua and West Papua provinces MRP facilitates approximately 300 indigenous people to participate in the evaluation. In the evaluation stated that the Papua Special Autonomy Law has failed, and recommends that the government of Indonesia and Papua dialogue, facilitated by a neutral party and held a neutral venue.
The Special Autonomy Law, the current RI are changed unilaterally into the Special Autonomy Law Plus or Government to stem the political aspirations of Papua Papua Merdeka was echoed around the world and to extend the occupation of Indonesia in West Papua.Indigenous people have decisively rejected the policies of the Indonesian political package, including Plus Special Autonomy Law or the Law on the Government of Papua and West Papua nation has asked Full Merdeka. Because the Special Autonomy Law Government Law Papua Plus or unilaterally imposed it, instead of political package that will bring destruction and doom for the existence and survival of indigenous Papuans in the land of his ancestors.
The main problem is not about the welfare of West Papua or eating and drinking, but the problem right to freedom of West Papua which has been seized and annexed to the Republic of Indonesia in 1960 - an. West Papua nation refused and will continue to refuse the package all the politics of RI policies that would be applied in West Papua. West Papuan people will fight to the RI and the nation state in the world and the United Nations recognizes the independence of West Papua.
Seen from the naked eye, in the land of Papua was calm, but under the current military operations covertly very strong and fast (calmly sweep). There is no room for human rights activists because every moment is monitored by spy Indonesia, the State Intelligence Agency, Indonesian Police, Indonesian Army, and even some of the close relatives of human rights activists were spying Indonesia, just for the sake of obtaining money or goods. This really horrible and sad!
All forms of the approach applied in Papua by Indonesia, both approaches security, legal, cultural and social welfare of the pseudo (full-discriminatory) is an act RI systematic, planned and implemented by the RI measured by the Indonesian authorities, which the fire was started by TNI and Police, as well as the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), Stratgeis Intelligence Agency (BAIS), coordination Intelligence Agency (Bakin) and a support group of the Republic of Indonesia.
Humanitarian emergency is happening shrouded in West Papua. It was a result of the annexation of the main root of the problem Papuan independence to the Republic of Indonesia in the 1960s. Roots of political problems that have spawned humanity emergency must be addressed and resolved by all parties, in particular by the United Nations and countries in the world.
Papuans were killed in the name of maintaining the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia. And the act of killing Papuans in order to safeguard the sovereignty of Republic of Indonesia, according to practical law in Indonesia can be legalized. It's totally unacceptable, both morally and International law.
Colonization by the State of Indonesia in Papua is systematic and well-planned occupation and measurable. The UN as an international organization that has a strong legitimacy and influence to take real steps to save the people of West Papua.
If emergency humanitarian disguise a very horrible in Papua is allowed by the UN and the countries in the world as an executive and in charge of protecting and respecting human rights, then predicted the Papuans will be destroyed in the timeframe 20-30 years into the future.Supporting data that is going on in the Land of Papua veiled humanitarian emergency, please visit the web and read three articles below:
1). "Ethnic Papuan Being Destroyed", the English version on the web: www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL1303/S00152/annihilation-of-indigenous-west-papuans-challenge-and-hope.htm; within language versions Indonesia you please visit and read on the web: ;
2). "Conspiracy Victim Papuan interests", please visit and read on the web: papuapost.com/2013/07/8095 / #; in the English version and read on the web visit: www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL1307/S00084 / Papua-victim-of-a-conspiracy-of-interests.htm;
3). "The United Nations as a protector or abuse of human rights", the Indonesian version of your visit and please read on the web: www.tigidoovoice.blogspot.com/2013/03/pbb-sebagai-pelindung-atau_7.html?m=1; within language versions English please you visit and read on the web: www.dissidentvoice.org/2013/03/un-as-protector-or-abuser-of-human-rights/.
Humanitarian emergency veiled systematic, planned and measurable that hit West Papua should be terminated immediately by all parties to be noble, to protect and uphold human dignity above all the interests of Papua Therefore, through this article, on the eve of 50 years of New Agreement gray (August 15, 1962 -15 August 2013), deliver me from behind prison seven points below:
First, the United Nations has a moral and legal responsibility to solve the root problem Papuan politics and other issues in the issue of West Papua, which led to marginalization, discrimination, minoritasi indigenous Papuans and humanitarian emergency veiled systematic, planned and measurable impact on ethnic cleansing Papua is slowly, but surely (slow moving genocide).
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Symbol of the unity of action of the state and nation |
For that, the United Nations established an ad hoc team to visit West
Papua in order to gather evidence of covert evidence humanitarian
emergencies and other impacts.
Third, the UN established a humanitarian Intervention Team for West Papua.
Fourth, the United Nations to facilitate talks between the Indonesian people and the people of West Papua and unconditionally equal to find a dignified solution.
Fifth, Regional Countries (MSG), Africa Region, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) unite to bring the issue of West Papua into the official UN mechanism.
Sixth, countries of the world and the United Nations immediately recognized de jure independence and sovereignty of the nation state of Papua. The UN set up the transfer of power next administration of the State government to the State of West Papua Indonesia in the near future.
Seventh, if the recognition of the independence of West Papua is considered the de jure heavy and difficult to be realized by the state of the world and the United Nations, the United Nations established an Ad Hoc Board to facilitate the re refendum for indigenous Papuans, because the Act is implemented in West Papua 1969 was flawed and moral law.
We hope that the seven points above can be considered and followed up by the relevant parties to uphold the noble values such as justice, truth, honesty, human rights, democracy and peace. In order to save ethnic Papuans of marginilasi, discrimination, minoritasi, and ethnic cleansing that moves slowly but surely.
For your attention, and all assistance and support directly or indirectly from you all that we care about and be noble, we say many thanks.
"Safety for the souls of humanity shackled tyrants oppression is the Highest Law".
Selpius Bobii is PEPERA Front Chairman of West Papua, as well as West Papua Political Prisoners in the Prison Abepura.
Third, the UN established a humanitarian Intervention Team for West Papua.
Fourth, the United Nations to facilitate talks between the Indonesian people and the people of West Papua and unconditionally equal to find a dignified solution.
Fifth, Regional Countries (MSG), Africa Region, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) unite to bring the issue of West Papua into the official UN mechanism.
Sixth, countries of the world and the United Nations immediately recognized de jure independence and sovereignty of the nation state of Papua. The UN set up the transfer of power next administration of the State government to the State of West Papua Indonesia in the near future.
Seventh, if the recognition of the independence of West Papua is considered the de jure heavy and difficult to be realized by the state of the world and the United Nations, the United Nations established an Ad Hoc Board to facilitate the re refendum for indigenous Papuans, because the Act is implemented in West Papua 1969 was flawed and moral law.
We hope that the seven points above can be considered and followed up by the relevant parties to uphold the noble values such as justice, truth, honesty, human rights, democracy and peace. In order to save ethnic Papuans of marginilasi, discrimination, minoritasi, and ethnic cleansing that moves slowly but surely.
For your attention, and all assistance and support directly or indirectly from you all that we care about and be noble, we say many thanks.
"Safety for the souls of humanity shackled tyrants oppression is the Highest Law".
Selpius Bobii is PEPERA Front Chairman of West Papua, as well as West Papua Political Prisoners in the Prison Abepura.