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Because you just like whitewashed tombs, which on the backside is clean
seems, but that next to it full of bones and every kind of filth." Matthew 23:27
On this day, as a Church we express our anxiety over the substance or essence of the Independence celebrations held by the Government in Papua, which is apparently the same from year to year only; held on a large scale but continues to show and hide the face of state violence in Papua . http://majalahselangkah.com/content/ini-pernyataan-forum-kerja-oikumenis-gereja-gereja-papua-pada-hut-ri-2013
Check out this year's celebration of independence day with various forms of violence as follows.
A. Denial of rights of expression of civil society that continues to date August 15, 2013 yesterday.
Among them:
26 April 2013 KNPB planning a peaceful protest against integration of Papua into the Republic of Indonesia on May 1, 2013 in the form of the action of grief on Tomb Field Theys Sentani, but there are restrictions on the Commander. KNPB insist on action and the Papua Police still threatened to forcibly disperse when KNPB held a peaceful protest.
May 1, 2013 the Governor of Papua, Papua Police Commander and the crowd rushed for the people of Papua issued a ban for not doing Celebration May 1 in protest and rejection of the annexation of Papua into the Republic of Indonesia; once threatened to forcibly disperse the mob who intend celebrating the annexation of Papua in the Tomb Theys Hiyo Eluay.
People in the town of Biak and Timika action raising the Morning Star (BK), as a result, police arrested 14 people. An activist involved in the raising of BK Biak shot in the left leg; besides him, two other civil servants suffered minor gunshot wounds.
BK-raising done in Timika 13.00 Papua time, mass action, taking off forcibly disbanded TSB warning shots. Pdt. Isaac Onawame, Grereja figures in Timika asked the Mimika Police to release prisoners because they will be the only way they deliver peaceful political aspirations.
May 13, 2013 KNPB remains adamant in carrying out peaceful demonstrations in Jayapura Papua MRP Papua Police even refused to give permission.
Merauke regent in his speech in the hall of one of the colleges in the city of Merauke kepritinannya stated that the Papuan population continues to decline. He said that of the population of Merauke which totaled only 160,000 20,000 indigenous people.
May 30, 2013 joint military-police forces shooting civilians who gathered and held a prayer commemorating May 1 as the day of annexation in Aimas, Sorong; killing three people and injuring three other people.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013 KNPB conducting a peaceful demonstration in Jayapura forcibly disbanded by the military Joint Police.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013 Police and TNI today disperse a peaceful demonstration in front of dozens of college students entrance Uncen Campus, Housing III Waena. The demo was held university students in Jayapura in support of West Papua to be accepted as a member of MSG. This demo was held the students who join the BEMF and DPMF.
B. Omission or denial of the rights of life that causes so many people died; seen in the following incident.
9 April 2013 61 people are reported to have been killed in the District Somagaik, Yahukimo since mid-January 2013 due to starvation and lack of access to healthcare.
29 April 2013 A total of 535 people attacked Tambrauw District residents disease, malnutrition, and 95 people are reported to have died due to starvation.
May 24, 2013 Rias Bugimonu, Chairman Student Association Student Pogoma (students from various universities in Jayapura origin Pogoma District, Peak District) reported the suffering of citizens related deaths of 29 people because of plague and famine. They mention the disease that afflicts citizens and children under five are malnourished and starving who are befalling citizens of District Pogoma especially from the villages: Pogoma, Gagama, Baksini, Wakme, Bina, Molu and Kempu.
July 14, 2013 As of today, 17 people died in Page Gymnasium (GOR) Nabire Old City on the way home after the game ended with the Regent Cup Boxing pengalungan Medal winners / champions. Events KLB (Extraordinary Events) This occurs on page GOR after mass audience Raga out if they will leave office.
August 8, 2013 Irwan Yanengga 19 years in shooting death by police of a Member Jayawijaya
C. Against Arbitrary killing of civilians and the way that is incompatible Handling Law
Arbitrary killings of civilians and how to handle the cases that occur are not appropriate Law.
For example: Arlince Tabuni, 12 years old was shot dead by members of Kopassus in Lany Jaya on July 1, 2013, Irwan Yanengga and Arton Kogoya each occurred in Jayawijaya and Lany Jaya during July and August where the local government is charged to pay a sum of money in exchange damages to the families of the victims.
D. Local government actions to curb freedom of expression by restricting the provision of scholarships to students involved peaceful demonstration, as the vice-regent of Jayapura District statement on May 24, 2013.
Observing this situation, we consider that such independence celebrations (massive celebration without a government-sponsored or while displaying / hiding the face of violence) shows the Indonesian government was in crisis in three ways:
First, this is a sign that the government failed to establish the nation of Papua. If the government is successful then this Independence Day celebrations will not be marred by demonstrations demanding dialogue, or the Papuan independence rally supporting MSG visit to Papua and Indonesia. It's our opinion that the government failed to build Papua.
Secondly, according to the celebration of our independence this style indicates that the government has lost the confidence of his people. In the language of the Bible governmental Independence Day celebrations as well as the empty tomb on the outside but on the inside the paint neatly filled with bone.
Third, we assess the celebration accompanied by repression and denial of the right to life, socio-economic rights of the Papuan people, the government is to avoid or hide the roots up the issue: the distortion of history and the demands of the people of Papua to
Therefore, through this opportunity, we urge the Government of Indonesia:
a) Stop all forms of violence and oppression in Papua;
b) In order to open up Papua to resolve the issue in a democratic and dignified dialogue with the Papuan people that is mediated by a neutral international parties.
c) Related to this dialogue, we ask Juha Christensen of pacta, ever mediate conflict dialog ACEH / GAM and Indonesia to mediate in the dialogue between Papua and Indonesia.
Jayapura August 16, 2013
Ecumenical Forum of Papuan Churches
Pdt. Benny Giay
On this day, as a Church we express our anxiety over the substance or essence of the Independence celebrations held by the Government in Papua, which is apparently the same from year to year only; held on a large scale but continues to show and hide the face of state violence in Papua . http://majalahselangkah.com/content/ini-pernyataan-forum-kerja-oikumenis-gereja-gereja-papua-pada-hut-ri-2013
Check out this year's celebration of independence day with various forms of violence as follows.
A. Denial of rights of expression of civil society that continues to date August 15, 2013 yesterday.
Among them:
26 April 2013 KNPB planning a peaceful protest against integration of Papua into the Republic of Indonesia on May 1, 2013 in the form of the action of grief on Tomb Field Theys Sentani, but there are restrictions on the Commander. KNPB insist on action and the Papua Police still threatened to forcibly disperse when KNPB held a peaceful protest.
May 1, 2013 the Governor of Papua, Papua Police Commander and the crowd rushed for the people of Papua issued a ban for not doing Celebration May 1 in protest and rejection of the annexation of Papua into the Republic of Indonesia; once threatened to forcibly disperse the mob who intend celebrating the annexation of Papua in the Tomb Theys Hiyo Eluay.
People in the town of Biak and Timika action raising the Morning Star (BK), as a result, police arrested 14 people. An activist involved in the raising of BK Biak shot in the left leg; besides him, two other civil servants suffered minor gunshot wounds.
BK-raising done in Timika 13.00 Papua time, mass action, taking off forcibly disbanded TSB warning shots. Pdt. Isaac Onawame, Grereja figures in Timika asked the Mimika Police to release prisoners because they will be the only way they deliver peaceful political aspirations.
May 13, 2013 KNPB remains adamant in carrying out peaceful demonstrations in Jayapura Papua MRP Papua Police even refused to give permission.
Merauke regent in his speech in the hall of one of the colleges in the city of Merauke kepritinannya stated that the Papuan population continues to decline. He said that of the population of Merauke which totaled only 160,000 20,000 indigenous people.
May 30, 2013 joint military-police forces shooting civilians who gathered and held a prayer commemorating May 1 as the day of annexation in Aimas, Sorong; killing three people and injuring three other people.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013 KNPB conducting a peaceful demonstration in Jayapura forcibly disbanded by the military Joint Police.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013 Police and TNI today disperse a peaceful demonstration in front of dozens of college students entrance Uncen Campus, Housing III Waena. The demo was held university students in Jayapura in support of West Papua to be accepted as a member of MSG. This demo was held the students who join the BEMF and DPMF.
B. Omission or denial of the rights of life that causes so many people died; seen in the following incident.
9 April 2013 61 people are reported to have been killed in the District Somagaik, Yahukimo since mid-January 2013 due to starvation and lack of access to healthcare.
29 April 2013 A total of 535 people attacked Tambrauw District residents disease, malnutrition, and 95 people are reported to have died due to starvation.
May 24, 2013 Rias Bugimonu, Chairman Student Association Student Pogoma (students from various universities in Jayapura origin Pogoma District, Peak District) reported the suffering of citizens related deaths of 29 people because of plague and famine. They mention the disease that afflicts citizens and children under five are malnourished and starving who are befalling citizens of District Pogoma especially from the villages: Pogoma, Gagama, Baksini, Wakme, Bina, Molu and Kempu.
July 14, 2013 As of today, 17 people died in Page Gymnasium (GOR) Nabire Old City on the way home after the game ended with the Regent Cup Boxing pengalungan Medal winners / champions. Events KLB (Extraordinary Events) This occurs on page GOR after mass audience Raga out if they will leave office.
August 8, 2013 Irwan Yanengga 19 years in shooting death by police of a Member Jayawijaya
C. Against Arbitrary killing of civilians and the way that is incompatible Handling Law
Arbitrary killings of civilians and how to handle the cases that occur are not appropriate Law.
For example: Arlince Tabuni, 12 years old was shot dead by members of Kopassus in Lany Jaya on July 1, 2013, Irwan Yanengga and Arton Kogoya each occurred in Jayawijaya and Lany Jaya during July and August where the local government is charged to pay a sum of money in exchange damages to the families of the victims.
D. Local government actions to curb freedom of expression by restricting the provision of scholarships to students involved peaceful demonstration, as the vice-regent of Jayapura District statement on May 24, 2013.
Observing this situation, we consider that such independence celebrations (massive celebration without a government-sponsored or while displaying / hiding the face of violence) shows the Indonesian government was in crisis in three ways:
First, this is a sign that the government failed to establish the nation of Papua. If the government is successful then this Independence Day celebrations will not be marred by demonstrations demanding dialogue, or the Papuan independence rally supporting MSG visit to Papua and Indonesia. It's our opinion that the government failed to build Papua.
Secondly, according to the celebration of our independence this style indicates that the government has lost the confidence of his people. In the language of the Bible governmental Independence Day celebrations as well as the empty tomb on the outside but on the inside the paint neatly filled with bone.
Third, we assess the celebration accompanied by repression and denial of the right to life, socio-economic rights of the Papuan people, the government is to avoid or hide the roots up the issue: the distortion of history and the demands of the people of Papua to
Therefore, through this opportunity, we urge the Government of Indonesia:
a) Stop all forms of violence and oppression in Papua;
b) In order to open up Papua to resolve the issue in a democratic and dignified dialogue with the Papuan people that is mediated by a neutral international parties.
c) Related to this dialogue, we ask Juha Christensen of pacta, ever mediate conflict dialog ACEH / GAM and Indonesia to mediate in the dialogue between Papua and Indonesia.
Jayapura August 16, 2013
Ecumenical Forum of Papuan Churches
Pdt. Benny Giay