Kamis, 29 Agustus 2013

Support the Freedom Flotilla, Papuan hoist Morning Star

Papuan demonstration in Manokwari arrival of the Freedom Flotilla carrying. Photo:Reuters
Manokwari, MAJALAH SELANGKAH - Society of Papua in Manokwari in West Papua under the coordination of the National Autority (WPNA) this afternoon, Tuesday (27/08/2013) action demonstration in support of the activists traveling Australia, Freedom Flotilla.

They planned to arrive in Merauke Papua early next month, September 2013.

Majalahselangkah.com watchlist in Manokwai correspondent, in this demonstration action Papuan flag unfurled a number of Papuan Morning Star. "We support the arrival of foreign activists and journalists in this ship," said Benny citizens of Manokwari.

"Why Indonesia ban-ban. SBY should hentukan drop troops to stop them. Let them come and see straight. If they are detained, the world will be asked, why they dirtahan. Papua What's up with the military and police are so afraid," said Benny.

Actions that tie up a number of roads in Manokwari was held peacefully and ended peacefully. Local authorities do not do much on demontasi bias and exposition Papuan flag, the Morning Star. (ED / MS)

Here's Attitudes Official KNPB About Freedom Flotilla

KNPB chairman, Victor Yeimo. Photo: Ist
Jayapura , MAJALAH SELANGKAH - West Papua National Committee ( KNPB ) submit their official stance related to Australia's indigenous people and activists who reportedly is headed to Papua New Guinea ( PNG ) and Papua uses three ship convoy , Freedom Flotilla .

To majalah selangkah.com, Thursday ( 8/29/13 ) at the Correctional Institution ( LP ) of Papua Abepura , KNPB chairman , Victor Yeimo said , KNPB as Papuan media fellow citizens continue to support the efforts of indigenous Melanesians and Australian activists who bring attention to the problem Melanesians in Papua .

" KNPB are media people of West Papua . KNPB mediate the interests of the indigenous peoples of West Papua , melanesaia race in the South Pacific . So , KNPB as a way to support media activists in Australia who gives attention to the problems in Papua , " said Victor .

He explains , " Something good for the people of Papua remains our support. Trip this is a form of sympathy for indigenous Australians and human rights and environmental activists there on the problems in Papua , " he said .

He explains , KNPB see this trip as a form of solidarity among indigenous people to look back at how the relationships Melanesians in the past . " Consistency is the native Melanesian fellow citizens , " he said .

Until When Nations Melanesia So Slaves ?

The arrival of these activists , certainly not without challenges . Indonesia and PNG governments gives a strong reaction . Not only Indonesia and PNG , the Australian Government also , at the insistence of Indonesia claimed no responsibility .

Reported, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security ( Menkoplhukam ) Djoko Suyanto Australian activist group warned not to enter the waters of Papua . Djoko Suyanto has instructed the Navy and the Air Force through the TNI Commander Australia in anticipation of the arrival of the ship carrying a group of Australian activist and West Papua .

" They also do not have a visa to cross the territory of Indonesia . Navy and air force are idle in anticipation of their trip , " Djoko said as quoted Vivanews , Monday, August 19, 2013 .

While , as quoted by media PNG PM Peter O'Neill said unclear , the ship Freedom Flotilla to refuse entry into its territory , PNG .

Then , the Australian Government claimed no responsibility if dozens of Australian activists who joined the Freedom Flotilla sailing to Papua , Indonesian security forces arrested and Papua New Guinea . Australian Foreign Minister , Bob Carr asserts , Australia can not intervene in law in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea if other citizens and illegal immigration both countries .

Over the ban, KNPB Chairman Victor Yeimo said it was concerned by the ban and plan ambushes . " KNPB as media Papuans concerned with strong reaction from the government of Indonesia and PNG on the arrival of the Australian activist . They do not have the capacity to liberate Papua but Indonesia and PNG have reacted strongly , " he said .

Victor said , it was disappointed with the PNG Prime Minister 's comments are also a fellow Melanesians . PNG PM KNPB judge is more concerned with working relationship early slow start compared appreciate Melanesian nations unit for power in the future .

" We are disappointed by the PNG Prime Minister 's comments . Properly, she actually respect Melanesian solidarity , in this case Aboriginal sesepu sympathize with what happened to his brother in West Papua , " he said this afternoon .

" PNG is our close relative the Melanesian nations . Ban PM We were disappointed with PNG . Again, this visit relatives . Melanesian solidarity If no , how long Melanesian nations will become slaves of other regional countries . When we think together about the interests of the region , the Melanesians in the Pacific , " said the chairman of KNPB , Victor Yeimo .

Victor also assess Australian PM 's comments went against the spirit of democracy there . Also , he said , should respect the wishes of the Australian government and the rights of indigenous people there ( Aboriginal ) to bersolider with Papuans .

Known , a group called the Freedom Flotilla sail from Cairns , Australia , Saturday, August 17, 2013 , local time , to Papua .

Tuesday ( 20.08.13 ) they had reached Cooktown in North Queensland , final stop in Australia on Thursday Island , Queensland . Reportedly , there , they met with customs officials and the press conference .

Furthermore , it has been continuing voyage to Daru , Papua New Guinea South . And , according to information received by the editorial majalahselangkah.com , the activists had heard ban Indonesian military obstacles but still will sail up to Papua . ( MS )

Senin, 26 Agustus 2013

Surya Institute Jakarta Cooperation, Government of Papua Disadvantaged?

Founder APhO (Asian Physics Olympiad-APhO 2012) and the Indonesian Olympic team coach, John Surya with his students from Papua (Republika.co.id))
Halow Mewengkeng Mr. Justin Felix, as you yourself already know earlier, lately Surya Institute Jakarta (SIJ) which belongs to Professor Yohanes Surya praised as a flagship school for the children of Papua left, apparently drawn protests because of irregularities in the internal management. Much more has been exploiting the education of children in Papua who mowed each year with a big enough budget.
Also problems in the SIJ has been a problem Papuan people, because the use of the budget funds are duly Autonomy Education is devoted to the interests of Papua. But it's still a budget deviations for some reason.
Although the protest was denied by Professor Surya, but the point to this moment has not been satisfying audiences Papua, for SIJ spend billions of dollars without open and transparent accountability. A number of districts have deposited billions it, but in fact the program is also dilkerjakan not change the fiscal year until the area.
How lunge internal problems and the use of Papua special autonomy funds?  
This time the magazine editorial team interviewed Justin Felix Step back almost Mewengkang SIJ involved in the business these days. Here are excerpts of the interview Sunday on the fourth weekend in August 2013:
Mr. Felix, since when you are working or in collaboration with Surya Institute Jakarta (SIJ)?
Personally I do not work or do not have a contract with PT. Surya Research International (SURE) or also called Surya Institute Jakarta, but by assignment as Special Assistant Merauke regent and Government Liaison in Jakarta so I often interact with Surya Institute well in Siwa monitoring, and evaluation meetings with staff Surya Institute for Solar Program Intensive Program (SIP) for matriculation elementary school, junior high, high school and college students STKIP Surya Institute for prospective teachers of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science. Institutionally government has done a MOU between Merauke Merauke regent with Prof. Surya and implemented in the Cooperation Agreement between the Department of Education and Teaching by PT. Surya Research International, Gading Serpong-Tangerang.
What father Felix during routine work in the SIJ?
The Decree (SK) my assignments as Staff Liaison Merauke local government, one of the routine tasks of monitoring, assisting, making study and analysis as well as communicate to the mayor and the Department of Education related to the policy package Papuan children-especially Merauke assisted study of Merauke local government. They study at Surya Institute for SIP program and STKIP-Gading Serpong Tangerang, STPI waterfall-Tangerang, UKI Cawang, Stipan, STIKOM Bandung. The importance of securing education policies for Papuans children because they are the generation embryo development actors in Papua, as well as the vision-mission of Merauke regent today is very committed to the development of human resources as well as the mandate of Papua special autonomy in particular the field of education.
Anyone who is engaged to work in SIJ?
Professor Surya Surya is the initiator of the establishment of the Institute in promoting mathematics and physics for isolated areas. In a family operation established PT Surya Foundation Surya Research International and its directors mother Hana Batara Surya and her husband were instrumental in policy, there is also a Foundation SII (Spirit of Faith Intellectual) led by Rev.. Izak Surya in charge of spirituality and coaching. Other personnel are Eng Go as Director of SURE Indonesia, also pack Robby part KSO care of cooperation with regional governments and Institutions. Also there are SIP (Surya Intensive Program) for matrikukasi elementary, junior high school before the pack as its chairman and Chief Lucky STKIP and some parts of academic administrators and students. There is also the Finance Director Gregory Rosariastoko Vishnu and the Finance Manager Magdalena Loing who make financial reports to the government.
How do you see the jobs (programs) in the SIJ?
In my observation since mid-2011, initially I saw that mathematics and physics courses at Surya Institute looks promising, especially promotion of Prof. Surya makes Papuan children who could be considered stupid clever within 6 months let alone the promised follow international physics olympiad and maths. This poses a tremendous appeal for the Papua regional governments that have committed to develop human resources in Papua.
Initially, the matriculation program for students in virtually unlimited capacity quite successful, but in its development when many schools accept students Surya Institute disoriented both in terms of academic, coaching and management dorms are quite chaotic due to the pull of interests. The most fundamental thing is: the orientation of school education is not clear where they lead? On the one hand, Prof. Surya very own ambitions in order to focus more children in mathematics and physics olympiad program on the other hand because of the demands of the national education require that children get a general studies. If follow the will of Prof. Surya where children focus on math then the child is not ready to join the national exams, report cards and did not get a diploma. So could the child be clever math but be dazed to continue school. It is also the mind of the student's home school where they are required to fill out report cards of students while students do not learn in school came in Merauke. Often conflict between the president and the SIP Kepalah elementary school, junior high school in the SIP program because it is inconsistent with the Prof in determining the direction of education.
How the program services to children who are sent to Papua SIJ?
Papuan children should be placed as subjects rather than as objects learners. Surya Institute has made the children of Papua as an object of double interest. First, when some children entered the Olympic program and earn the victory, the provincial government would be proud but institutionally Surya Institute into profit opportunities by recruiting students gain confidence as-much. Surya Institute has merekret Papuan students from 17 districts and provinces. Each student is like an ATM machine that can make money. For the SIP program in 2012, students are required to pay each month to Rp. 15 million per month, with a number of 332 students, then in a year earn Rp Solar Institute. 59.76 billion yet again with another program.
Huge cost but not balanced with service Surya Institute. There are some striking cost items, namely: small size room accommodation with 4 beds valued Rp. 12 million per month, consumption of 3 million per month with stale food, sometimes not worth eating, health costs every month although no pain, no transportation costs meskti transport use. Spiritual coaching experience misguided due to unavailability of coaches who do not fit keayakinan, as well as the coaches do not know the basic kakakter Papuan children. At its core educational Solar Institute is alien to the children of Papua.
What problems happened there?
There are several main issues namely: Education Orientation increasingly unclear, occurs pull Olympic program and formal education programs, as well as problems are minimal facilities and accommodation, as well as character building children's obscure Papua where they formed. For children of students from Merauke, provided bus to worship at the Church of the child while the other students find their way. It is part of the policy that overlap Tindi.
How the losses experienced by the children of Papua?
For elementary school children may be able to feel happy because Jakarta, Jakarta crowded, and a lot of new things can be seen. But the fact is their cultural roots, the roots of faith, and especially away from the caress of parental affection. I have said on Management of Solar so good care of our children because it is definitely going to be facing a lot of obstacles. If mismanaged its affairs so long. It is unfortunate at the Institute for Solar Schools program was 100% SIP Papua and no other tribe. It should be when it's out of Papua is expected to meet with new friends from outside Papua, in fact as moving home. Lack of recreational facilities and coaching facilities to make children Papuan villagers carry habits, forgetting indigenous Papuans, forget the faith and suffered depression in the ground. In addition, they also do not bring home a diploma Surya Intitut but they have to return home in Papua for the national matriculation exam preparation.
What are the disadvantages of the Papuan local government budgets, in terms of funding the Papuans?
Loss of the Papua's budget is huge. In the calculation of minimal cost Surya Institute for SIP program quite 5 million per month. Just compare STKIP students Surya Institute Merauke origin, the calculation is only 28 million persiswa for one year. That means it does not reach 4 million per month. Then it can be imagined how many tens of billions harmed Papuan government. The fee can build patterned boarding school education in some strategic areas.
In addition, the Government of Papua must pay transportation PP students upon departure and return and the cost of PP participated in the national exams each area.
Not to mention if the Government of Papua treasurer inaccurate financial statements Surya then maybe there are payments that are not rational. For example, for high school students Merauke SIP program in 2011, the program should be 2 years but the reality is only 6 months but the bill for 2 years.
What's worse is, the financial statements do not obey the rules of the Solar Institute, for example, does not explain what the activity, activity items, receipts and the receiver is not included. This has complicated the official bendaharan and this is already a Provincial CPC findings. We hope CPC Provincial immediately review the financial statements of Surya Institutue in 17 districts of Papua. This is important because it involves money Autonomy, Papua people's money.
According to you, why such problems can occur in the SIJ?
In our observation, management does not apply clean and good government would fall within the practice of corruption, collusion and nepotism. For example, the principal does not know that there is a transportation budget items, props. Also a school clinic doctor Surya Institute does not know that every child be charged a monthly SIP, although not sick. Also problems of communication and coordination of academic and dormitory sections often overlap Tindi then the victim is a student.
Have there been any response from the SIJ about this issue?
There have been many ways we are doing to suppress in order to reorient the Surya Institute, revitalizing even reorganization. Happened to the children who participated Merauke SIP program and STKIP more than other areas, so we are very concerned. We were under pressure from the parents, from the Department of Education in order to fight for the rights of the child are met. Since late 2011, we were quite active visit the school expressed some complaints from students and parents, among others, the problem of theft Merauke HP, clothes, bags and slippers, in addition to the issue of worship coincidence of Merauke mostly catholic while forcing the school to participate in worship. Often also with the name of ecumenical, but the reality catholic children become victims. Child complains have forgotten how catholic prayer etc..
According to you, what is going on in SIJ-related vpersoalan this issue?
Much the way we do, which is go to the Surya Institute if there are problems in academic, discipline and spirituality, personal approach and the dialogue is often the case, but in some aspects of the Surya Institute does not impose such a complaint about the food the students, the more severe is the business health often mis communication. In november 2012 home student STKIP Merauke ask Surya dialogue with the management of related cases by the application of academic leave due to illness and also the problem of accreditation STKIP. Very clear in the meeting miscommunication and lack of internal coordination.
Why father entrusted to make a proposal?
Way dialogue we have done so far, even when the dialogue does not result in any improvement of the way we tempu presure on behalf of the rights of children in Papua Solar Institute. We are known to be critical by piihak school, even the Surya Institute recognizes that input from Merauke government, both the Department and parents to be a mirror for school improvement. But in fact there is also no improvement.
In March 2013, we try to resort to dialogue in a way to help formulate the Cooperation Agreement and the revised cost. Meeting held after the meeting by presenting the Department of Local Government and Teaching pendididkan Merauke. I then formulate the results of the meeting and pour in the formulation of Cooperation. In principle the idea acceptable only problem we revised cost quite protracted. I then invited by Mr. Batara and Mr. Robby part KSO to help formulate guidance system. I am quite optimistic at the time by the Institute for Solar system change by becoming part of the system and be implementing the system. I then asked to create a design partnership that operational budgeting. There are three packages offered cooperation, namely: Develop blueprint pembinan and systems and methods based boarding school education, to two categorical spiritual care students as well as research collaboration to study and even to offer to business alligator by Eng Go and Batara. For my final offer so confused with the orientation of the educational institutions that want to move in the solar business, I am more interested in cooperation arrange package blueprin categorical service systems and spiritual guidance. For the first package I assembled a team of experts to conduct focus group discussions, review of systems and mentoring program for 2 dormitories in different places. Similarly, the categorical service team will be formed alternately. Surprisingly, after the proposal so without reason and offers the first package was rejected while the package offered to two seminal possible. We assumed that the refusal of a package of changes to systems and methods that have no intention of coaching the future system improvements. With the rejection of the first packet then we also refuse to cooperate.
Later on, a proposal that we set up in the form of a draft without the consent of both parties as a reason to squeeze Foundation. According to Eng Go will use the money we own, while Hana Solar stated that we did not manage to squeeze Foundation.
Indeed the allegations beyond our expectations, we should feel squeezed because during several meetings of our ideas or use utilized by Surya to build trust with the Government of Papua. Ideas we also included in the roadmap Solar Institute. It is a betrayal of the educational mission. We assess the Surya Institute of like a pot calling the kettle!
The future will be like what the fate of their children's education in Papua SIJ?
Surya Institute school like a boat being shaky and threatened with drowning. Educational institutions are shaky makes dizzy Papua kids will even bring financial headache for Government of Papua because these can not be accounted for by the Solar Institute. In addition, dead school life is very dependent on the Surya Institute of Papuan children. Merauke governments have moved all pupils SIP and start followed by other local governments. School without the student will be closed, schools without the means it will be avoided, the school with the corrupt management will bring harm. Today, students accommodated in the dormitory SIP Kinasih for a period of one year, after that going? Likewise permit school until now not clear. For Surya STKIP yet accredited. In July the school yesterday to make the lie to the Papuan students by making the announcement that the school is accredited, in fact not yet accredited.
For elementary students, do not expect the Olympic program, because not all gifted students towards the Olympics, Papua progress is not determined by segelinter performing students.
Father of Education as a consultant, might there be measures to avoid the problems that occurred in the SIJ?
For now, the Government of Papua should see the real loss there. Try reconsider cooperation agreement, should Revised Cost and Rationalize financing. When the Surya Institute does not prepare financial statements in accordance Provincial CPC standards, it's better not to pay the debt before any clear accountability. If the debt payment burden of the problem and it will be dealt with later Provincial CPC.
Immediately take strict measures for children, whether sue the school for basic repairs or forced to move the students so that there is certainty of formal schooling.
What is your opinion about children's education solutions Papua ayng been mowed to SIJ?
Government of Papua should unite demanded certainty of the Solar Institute. Apabilah government had harmed the party Surya apology is not enough but the release of payment due to negligence in service. In addition, the financial statements do not conform Surya Institute standard government financial statements, then it is time to take decisive steps to hold accountable Solar Institute. In addition, if the orientation of education does not have a legal basis then immediately perjalas status.
Immediately took the rare move of pupils on the issues drawn Surya Instutute. Better to build a school in Papua flagship of the school building outside of Papua. * (MS)

Problem activist Papua, Indonesia Will slams Australia

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and 
Security Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia,  
Djoko Suyanto. Photo: republika.co.id
Jakarta, MAJALAH SELANGKAH - As reported majalahselangkah.com edition, Sunday, August 18, 2013, Australian activist group calling itself the Freedom Flotilla prepares three ships to sail from Cairns to Papua, on Saturday (08.17.13) last.

The activists are comprised of Aboriginal elders, Papuan refugees, filmmakers and other activists had come to Papua to highlight the need for peace and stability in Papua.

The arrival of the plan to get the government gets serious response. Reported, the Indonesian authorities have warned a group of activists did not sail to Australia to Papua or risk being intercepted or detained.

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Djoko Suyanto told republika.co.id edition, Monday, August 19, 2013 said the army was stationed in Papua in anticipation of their trip.

"Army Navy (Navy) and Air Force (AU) has been put on alert in anticipation of their trip," said Djoko Suyanto at the media.

He said he has confirmed the matter to the Australian Ambassador to Indonesia, Greg Moriaty. According to the Greg, the activists planned to sail from Cairns to Papua New Guinea (PNG). "Not to Indonesia (Papua)," said Menkopolhukam.

To Moriaty, Djoko also said there should be no state should be the starting point and anyone who disrupt the sovereignty of other countries.

"It was very clear. Their activity if it is associated violence and human rights (Human Rights), we also have the same concern," said Djoko.

Reported, Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has issued a stern warning to other countries, and say, they must not violate the sovereignty of Indonesia and cause unrest.

He said the provinces of Papua is part of Indonesia and that should be respected. (GE / MS)

Benny Giay Concerned Mass Media Coverage of Papua

Chairman of the Synod of the Church of the Gospel Tent (Kingmi) Papua, 
Pastor. Benny Giay (right) and 
Chairman of the Fellowship of Baptist Churches in Papua (PGBP),  
Pdt. Socratez Sofyan Yoman (left). Photo: MS
Jayapura, Majalah Selangkah - Chairman of the Synod of the Church of the Gospel Tent (Kingmi) Papua, Benny Giay said the concern over the mass media in Papua which sometimes come into play keeping the increasing violence in Papua.To majalahselangkah.com, Thursday (8/23/13), Benny said, "I saw coverage of two papers concerned in Papua that come into play keeping violence in the country continues mningkat peralat and join the church for their own interests. Newspaper I mean the Daily Post and Daily paradise Bintang Papua. participate mmbawa In a report by our church name, church Kingmi, "he said.Benny explained, "This set of published edition, August 19, 2013. Both the paper is on the first page (headlines) load images Heasky Reverend Denis Maury, who according to the papers came from Papua Nazarene church, which on August 15 participating the motion path diselenggarakn Papua provincial administration in order prayaan August 17. But in the next line, Pastor Maury Heasky Denis Kingmi was called from the church. "Benny said, actually the church protested the celebration of independence on August 17 this year in Papua, which according to the Forum of Papuan Churches Ecumenical excessive and inappropriate.Because, he said, "The celebration was held August 17 countries while violence continued without stopping. Opinions Our neighbor's celebration August 17 The conference we have to say in the press and I think both the paper's already received our attitude. So, when Pastor Heasky Denis Maury from other churches who participated in the celebration of 17 Agusrus so it is said of the church Kingmi. We mncurigai what your agenda. Anyone who control the newspapers. Anyone who gives to you, the two newspapers, permission to put our church approved system 'other talk another play' it. we think is in crisis and are using the power of your hand media arbitrarily, "he said."We doubt whether this independent newspapers? I think there are a lot of Indonesian people who love this country who agree with us Kingmi church, unlike the two media are assessing all Indonesia's just the outward appearance. Equates to You Jesus: "You have the cemetery outside the white dicet good but the bones contain 'Matthew 23:27," Benny criticism. (MS)

Senin, 19 Agustus 2013

Hatta Rajasa of Freeport Indonesia Threatens to Kick

Minister for the Economy, Hatta Rajasa. Photo: okemanado.com
Jayapura, MAJALAH SELANGKAH - Again PT Freeport Indonesia received threats. This time, instead of the employee but the threat was coming from the Minister for the Economy, Hatta Rajasa as reported by some media in Jakarta on Wednesday (14/08/2013).
From Jakarta, Minister for the Economy, Hatta Rajasa spread threats, that the agency, foreign mining companies that do not want to build a smelter to produce requested stop.
This threat makes PT Freeport blingsatan. Minister for the Economy Hatta Rajasa, Wednesday (14/08/2013) says, the spirit of the implementation of Law No. 4 of 2009 it is that all mining companies operating in Indonesia and the Indonesian earth dredge proceeds wealth, prosperity duty to the people of Indonesia.
"The law was made since 2009 and will be implemented next year. Socialization is enough if you do not want to make lama.Jadi smelters in the country, we are invited to cover only operating and production," said Hatta.
Indonesian government respond to firmness, Freeport Indonesia President Director Rozik B. Soetjipto admitted it difficult to build a smelter that is required to be done in the next year.
Interestingly, despite operating in Papua since 1967 ago, PT Freeport admitted it is impossible to meet the demands of the mandate of Law No. 4 of 2009 is.
"We agree and disagree with the government's position, but this time we have not been able to do it 100 percent in Indonesia, 'said Rozik.
With the process can not be 100 per cent in the country, the PT Freeport will continue processing the gold ore in the United States, a mode that has been done for decades in order to avoid sharing profits with Indonesia.
Gold and silver mines in the world's biggest in Papua and fully managed by PT Freeport Indonesia since 1967. Until now, its existence is not considered a great benefit for the people of Indonesia and Papua.
The gold mine when it should be the welfare of the whole people of Indonesia with gold reserves very much. But in fact, payments to state and Papua minimal.
Freeport enjoyed great advantages from selling raw materials, without going through the treatment process in the country. In fact, if the treatment processes in the country, will be little benefit to the country and the people of Papua.
The government also requires mining companies to build processing plants. But still not fully complied with. There are many mining companies are reluctant to build a refinery or smelter and mineral processing. One of them Freeport. Government has required mining companies to build a processing plant or smelter in 2014.
This is the mandate of Law No. 4 of 2009 on mineral and coal mining. If the stubborn, the government promised to be firm with forcing the company to halt production. Indonesian government respond to firmness, Freeport Indonesia President Director Rozik B. Soetjipto admitted it difficult to build a smelter that is required to be done in the next year.
Interestingly, despite operating in Papua since 1967 ago, PT Freeport admitted it is impossible to meet the demands of the mandate of Law No. 4 of 2009 is. "We agree and disagree with the government's position, but this time we have not been able to do it 100 percent in Indonesia, 'said Rozik.
With the process can not be 100 per cent in the country, the PT Freeport will continue processing the gold ore in the United States, a mode that has been done for decades in order to avoid sharing profits with Indonesia. (Ist / MS)

ETAN: West Papua Report August 2013

This is the 112th in a series of monthly reports that focus on developments affecting Papuans. This series is produced by the non-profit West Papua Advocacy Team (WPAT) drawing on media accounts, other NGO assessments, and analysis and reporting from sources within West Papua. This report is co-published by the East Timor and Indonesia Action Network (ETAN). Back issues are posted online at http://www.etan.org/issues/wpapua/default.htm Questions regarding this report can be addressed to Edmund McWilliams at edmcw@msn.com. If you wish to receive the report directly via e-mail, send a note to etan@etan.org. Link to this issue: http://etan.org/issues/wpapua/2013/1308wpap.htm
The Report leads with "Perspective," an opinion piece; followed by "Update," a summary of some developments during the covered period; and then "Chronicle" which includes analyses, statements, new resources, appeals and action alerts related to West Papua. Anyone interested in contributing a "Perspective" or responding to one should write to edmcw@msn.com. The opinions expressed in Perspectives are the author's and not necessarily those of WPAT or ETAN. For additional news on West Papua see the reg.westpapua listserv archive or on Twitter.

Full Report: etan.org