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BK flying in Holland 1969 @ http://www.papuaerfgoed.org/id/The_Papua_Volunteers_Corps |
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Papua Troops 1969 @ http://www.papuaerfgoed.org/id/The_Papua_Volunteers_Corps |
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Decrease Morning Star after 18 days @ http://www.papuaerfgoed.org |
Jayapura, step MAGAZINE - Residents of Papua (Papua and West Papua) admits, Papua became independent on December 1, 1961. Therefore, the people of Papua in the country and abroad have always celebrated December 1 as the anniversary (HUT) Independence of West Papua.
They hold a variety of activities, ranging from raising the Morning Star flag (BK), Seminars, Cultural Parade, Worship, demonstrations, film screenings and other activities. As usual, the people of Papua will celebrate the anniversary of West Papua (1961-2012) with various types and forms of activity.
Free West Papua Campaign in London, England will hold a demonstration in front of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (Embassy) on Saturday, December 1, 2012. Event coordinator led international diplomacy Papua Merdeka, Benny Wenda.
The demonstration at the Embassy in London will be enlivened by a 20 member choir students from The School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. They will sing songs of West Papua as part of the campaign.
Free Papua fighters in the Netherlands, Oridek Ap to the media said, anniversary of West Papua in the Hague Netherlands will be held, Saturday, December 1, 2012 at 12. 30 - 19:00 Dutch time. He said, the anniversary of West Papua in the Netherlands Nederland coordinated by Vrouwen Papua (Papua Mama in the Netherlands) and the Comité 50 Jaar Papoea's in Nederlan (Committee 50 Years of Papuans in the Netherlands).
Told Oridek, activities will begin at 12:30 local time. Continuation, the opening words by Mrs. Betty Ireeuw-Kaisiepo and prayer by Frank Hubatka tn. At 13:20 pm will be held raising BK. Furthermore, Leonie Otto Ap Tanggahma and will talk about the political situation in Papua to participants. Drooglever book about PEPERA will be discussed as well. Continued multifarious activities and ends with dinner at 19.00.
Oridek said, there is the possibility of raising the flag BK in several government offices (sort of regent's office) there. He said, some individuals have a plan to raise the banner of BK as last year (2011), namely in Apeldoorn.
Joe Collins, Spokeperson Australia West Papua Association (AWPA) reported two government offices Sidney, Australia will fly BK on Friday, November 30, 2012 as a form of support for West Papuan independence. BK hoisting it in response to his letter.
BK-raising at city hall dilaksanakn Leichhardt and Marrickville town hall, Friday, November 30, 2012. Reportedly, raising BK held 30 November 2012 for Saturday, December 1, 2012 a second office holiday. BK was also hoisted at the town hall in 2011.
In addition to the flag raising, Anthony Craig, from the Democratic Labor Party said, on Saturday, December 1, 2012 will be a peaceful protest at the Indonesian consulate in Maroubra Australia. Words, December 1 will not be forgotten Papuans ever.
"Saturday, December 1, 2012 is the anniversary of independence of West Papua. On this day in 1961 the West Papuan freedom given by the Dutch. They raised a new national flag and sang a new national anthem, "wrote Anthony Craig in a statement sent to media.
Anthony Craig writes, protest will be presented related to military training support Indonesia by the Australian government. "We will protest the actions of the Indonesian military atrocities in West Papua. Indonesian military supported by the governments of Australia and the United States. Currently they have trained 12,000 Indonesian military to kill people who demand independence of West Papua, "he said.
Rize of the Morning Star will also hold events jospan, political speeches, and raising BK, Saturday, December 1, 2012 in downtown Victoria, in front of the National Library, Melbourne Central Australia.
"Only 250 km from mainland Australia, Indonesia occupied West Papua brutal 50 years. Australian-trained Indonesian military has killed and tortured brutally 500,000. Many people jailed political prisoners and access to media and international NGOs were closed, "wrote Rize of the Morning Star.
As presented to the media, the action Rize of the Morning Star will ask the Australian government and all parties to the human rights of West Papuans are protected and their struggle for self-determination is recognized and supported.
Solidarity With West Papua in New Zeland will commemorate the anniversary of West Papua by the action, which began on Thursday, November 29 - Saturday, December 1, 2012 in the city of Wellington Parliament. During the action, they will open the opportunity to all the people there to write a personal message in support of justice, peace and self-determination for West Papua. Their statement in the form of PDF files can be read here, click.
Reported from Yogyakarta, Papua Student Alliance (AMP) will coordinate Papuans and Papuan students who study on the island of Java and Bali and West Papua, focused celebration in Yogyakarta. Coordinator anniversary of West Papua, Sonny D said, will hold two events.
He said, on Friday, November 30, 2012, at 09:00 CET will hold a press conference. On the same day at, 19:00 CET will be held speeches, discussions and movies with on Papuan student dormitories, Kamasan 1 Yogyakarta.
Told Sonny, on Saturday, December 1, 2012, at 08.00 would hold demonstrations. Rallying point action Papuan student dormitories, Kamasan 1 Yogyakarta.
In Papua, West Papua celebration will be held in each district. Reported activities vary. There was to be held in the form of prayer and thanksgiving for the cultural arts. There will also hold a peaceful demonstration.
In Jayapura, West Papua Anniversary Celebration will be coordinated by the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) and Democratic Solidarity Silencing Papua Care (SPPDP). Planned activities held at the tomb of Theys Hiyo Eluay, Sentani on Saturday, December 1 in the form of worship and speeches.
There is no information about BK flag hoisting plans in Papua. Interpreter KNPB Sorong areas Kingdom, Jeck Badii said celebration Dec. 1 no action to raise the Morning Star flag.
"We'll find out if there is a third party or from Papuans who paid a third party for pitting Papuans. We of KNPB no agenda to raise the flag, the country attribute we can not interfere, not like a kite you ride you down, "says Jeck Monday (26/11) yesterday told Radar Timika.
Anniversary of West Papua, police and military alert
Regional Police (Police) Papua assisted the Indonesian National Army (TNI / Military) screen and do the surgery before the anniversary of West Papua. Wakapolda Papua, Brigjend Paul Waterpauw like dilangsir Tabloidjubi.com, Edition, (24/11) said Papua police prioritize seven areas in Papua (Papua and West Papua) in securing a celebration of December 1st 2012.
In the province of Papua, Jayapura Sentani, Keerom, Mimika and Wamena is an area which is considered the area in need of security. But Paul did not mention the number of police personnel required. He also did not mention the number of military personnel / military aid Papua Police.
Meanwhile in West Papua (Manokwari and Sorong) as dilangsir Radar Timika, Issue, 26 November 2012, the Police Manokwari, West Papua province, Chief Midshipman Mauruh Rico says the commitment to provide security to the people on the anniversary of West Papua.
Midshipman Mauruh Rico said security in the province of West Papua will be assisted by 700 soldiers Battalion Company C and D 752, Subden Brimob Company C, Kodim and Fasharkan. However, he did not mention the number of police will be deployed in Manokwari, Sorong, and surrounding areas.
Keerom region for example, the Police Keerom, Chief Pasero, SH.MH said it has begun operations since (10/11) ago. He said, Operation Safe Matoa II with four goals activities, including law enforcement, intelligence operations, and operations activities Binmas operations opinion formation has begun.
Pro Independence activists in Papua, Markus Yenu of Manokwari also asserted, December 1 should not serve as a threat to the security forces.
"Warning December 1st for the people of Papua should serve as a democratic process. Moreover, Indonesia is the adherents of democracy. Let the world know that these countries value freedom of expression Papuans, "he said as quoted by Radar Timika Edition, 26 November 2012.
Bintangpapua.com, Sunday (24/11) shunt, Vice-Chairman of the First Solidarity People's Democratic Justice Civil Papua (SHDRP), Alius Asso also asked the police to be able to act persuasively linked securing December 1 later.
As dilangsir daily Bintang Papua, related to the circulation of rumors chaos on December 1, 2012 in Papua, Jayapura Mayor Drs. Benhur Tomi Mano, MM appealed to all citizens of the city of Jayapura and the surrounding areas for not answering questions incorrectly. He said, the issues were distributed by persons not bertanmggung responsibility.
In line with Drs. Benhur Tomi Mano, MM, spokesman KNPB Sorong Kingdom, Jeck urged Papuans not to be easily provoked by parties irresponsible. He also appealed to the people to not be afraid to December 1st celebration activities.
According Jeck, Papuan been independent since 1961 and, thus Dec. 1, the nation of Papua conducting worship gratitude. It is said there is basis for the struggle. All parties hope the promise of Papua Police Chief Inspector General (IG) Police Tito Karnavian, Ph.D at her inauguration last September 2012 must be realized in Papua. Over the past two months is considered still not materialized, even increased. (Yermias / Bastian / Heng / Mateus / MS)