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Java Bali Papuans in West Papua Yogyakarta Celebrate Anniversary @ Aseny |
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Expansions Figure BK in Yogyakarta @ Aseny |
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Wapinenko Shapirenko (36) resident of Ukraine when he was arrested in Manokwari @ Ist. |
Jayapura, step MAGAZINE - Anniversary Celebration (HUT) West Papua, Saturday, December 1, 2012 arrest of a foreigner colored in Manokwari of West Papua and West Papua National Committee Chairman (KNPB) in Jayapura. Papuan students in Java and Bali unfurled several banners Morning Star (BK) on their ASKI in Yogyakarta.
Some places abroad held a flag raising ceremony with BK. While in Manokwari held demonstrations and prayer together. in Nabire, Wamena, Timika, Biak, and other woods cities in Papua held worship together in a tight security apparatus.
Reportedly, foreign nationals arrested in Manokwari named Wanipenko Shapirenko aka Artem. He was arrested by police in Manokwari, West Papua. Citizens of Ukraine was taken by patrol car brigade, Papua police for allegedly supporting Papuan celebration.
Reportedly, Artem yelyel shouting 'Free Papua' time will be put into the car. Dozens of Papuans had tried to prevent the arrest. However, officers of the Police Mobile Brigade police Manokwari Papua Artem immediately apprehended.
In Jayapura, the period of the Housing Long March III who want to go to places of worship in the dining Theys Sentani security forces forcibly dispersed. At pembubabaran that, police arrested KNPB chairman, Victor Yeimo and two of his men. However, he was released because they were innocent.
Worship Plans on Eating Theys forcibly dispersed by security forces. Tents and chairs that had been prepared citizens to hold ibadath first controlled apparatus. Finally, people do worship canceled.
Meanwhile, hundreds of Papuan people (students, college students, and people of Papua) Java and Bali, Papua Student Alliance (AMP) West Papua to commemorate -51, today, Saturday (91/12) with a drawing demonstration and Expansions Morning Star.
The masses gathered in the dorm Kamasan I Papua Jalan Kusuma Bangsa, 9:00 o'clock. Furthermore, the long march toward the North Square of Yogyakarta. North Square is the place where Ir. Sukarno proclaimed Trikora on December 19, 1961, against the independence of West Papua, December 1, 1961.
Political speeches in Yogyakarta delivered in English by Yelly Wenda, International Spokesperson Papuan Students Alliance. He said, freedom is the right of all nations, the colonization of Papua by the Unitary Republic of Indonesia should be abolished.
Women activists, Henny Lani judge, Indonesia does not respect the 1954 Constitution has made his own. "Is not in the paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution says, real freedom is the right of every nation, and colonialism in the world should be abolished. Why Indonesia invaded Papua instead? "Cried Henny. (Abraham / Alex / Bastian / Hery / James / Julius Pekei / Hengky Yeimo / Teus / GEMS)