Kamis, 13 Desember 2012

Disaster Padang Hijau, Papua Human Disaster

Residents Flee miners at the time, PTFI tailings area. (Yamin Blogspot.com)
Where Padang Green ransacked by sedimentation process?Did you know, Papua is the world's lungs? From the coast to the highlands of Papua has enchanted green pastures. But the conditions were not going to be found in the mining area of ​​PT Freeport Indonesia (PT-FI), Timika Papua. Why? Tailings are the types of waste generated by mining activities, and the presence in the mining world is inevitable. As the processing residual waste rock, tailings generally contains valuable minerals. Mineral content of the tailings can not be avoided, due to the processing of ore to obtain minerals which can be utilized in the mining industry will not reach recovery (recovery) 100%. It can be caused by the violence that led to rock and ore milled results tend to be more rugged, and the resulting cost (recovery) decreased with increasing low mineral content in the concentrate. Subtlety mineral grain size is also making it difficult to achieve liberation (liberation). In Freeport mine area (see figure 1), the area of ​​green land destruction or closure of the Grasberg mine in Papua happened to the harbor and surrounding Amamapare, approximately along the 78 miles away. When mentioned, the area covered tailings are Grasberg, the area of ​​physical and chemical processing plants, ex Wanagon lake disposal, to streams and estuaries and river Otomona Aijkwa. This process leads to sedimentation from Grasberg in Papua southern ocean.In the highlands. Do you know about the destruction that occurred in the highlands (High Land)? The boundary between the Lorenz Park mine area, the intention eyes barely clear. Maybe people in (PTFI) who knows? But it's going to snow the area covered by the rest of the mine. At first, the green fields decorated shrubs, but now barely visible green again. Vehicles and heavy equipment passing over it the whole 24 hours. Somehow, the bowels of the earth is changing contrast Papua. Instead moisture and snow cover. But the cover of High Land, Grasberg and replaced by a chunk of the surrounding soil, rock and minerals mixed residual chemicals underground factories scattered like ala United Stated of America (USA). Have you ever heard or read the diary and published books PTFI experiences of former employees? They investigated more green meadow plateau damaged by the giant company's operations.In the lowlands. Having been in operation since tens of years ago, the process of going down to the sea sedimentation. Some time ago, the PTFI explained, despite having worked with some of Indonesia's top universities, but find it difficult to cope with sea water siltation southern Papua. Silting caused by tailings have turned off the water and terrestrial beings. External Research Team PT Freeport Indonesia, conservation research program of geological resource center in 2007 mentions the tailings disposal area contains chemicals that can be used and can not be utilized. These materials are dangerous to humans. The area of ​​investigation in the Contract of Work PT Freeport Indonesia, known as Mod ADA (Modified Ajkwa Deposition Area), is geographically located at 136o 55 '- 136o 58' east longitude and 4 ° 32 '- 4o40' south latitude, and the administration including the District Mimika New , Timika, Papua province. The investigation was conducted to determine the possibility of tailings processing results of PT Freeport Indonesia still contain ingredients or mineral that can be utilized. In the future it is recommended that penilitiannya do in the area and the river Kali Otomona Aijkwa from the spring to the estuary times, along the lines of 74 to 78 more miles.Disposal of tailings was originally done on the flow in the era Ajkwa Mine Hertzberg. This area had been rehabilitated for a while, then up to now due to the Grasberg mine tailings diverted to Otomona River basin, on the eastern side of deposition Ajkwa flow, beyond the land over 230 km ².What are the chemical elements?Pemercontohan tailings by an external research team PTFI, conservation research program in geology resource center using a drill Bangka 2007dilakukan 4 inc at 13 random locations (scout drill), and panning at 3 locations, with a number of examples, 63 examples of sand, 66 sample concentrates trays. Tailings sample analysis conducted in chemistry and physics. But the result shows the content of the levels of copper (Cu 0.16% - 0.25%), Black Lead (Pb 65 ppm - 103 ppm), zinc (Zn 0015 - 0.05%), Iron (Fe 6.14% - 8.88 %), Arsenic (As 2 ppm - 28 ppm), silver (Ag 2.00 ppm - 3.66 ppm), Sb <2ppm -="-" 0.2ppb="0.2ppb" 22="22" 355="355" 57="57" 5="5" and="and" au="au" g="g" mercury="mercury" ppb="ppb" ppm="ppm" span="span">). The results of the analysis of major elements, revealed high levels of the element average SiO2, Al2O3, and Fe2O3. Magnetite mineral content varies both horizontally and vertically, with the highest value of 84.97% and the lowest rate <16 span="span">The results of the analysis of radiation contamination of the 2 (two) elected in tailings samples showed levels below the limit of FI detection element Uranium (238U).How to ore stripping ratio of the remaining up to now?Since PT FI mining natural resources (NR) Papua, to this day millions of tons of tailings have been dumped pengolahaan result, from 7275 tons / day in 1973, increasing to 31,040 tonnes / day in 1988 and early 2000 to 223 100 tonnes / day (www.weamaster @ jatam.org). In 2001, the production rate of the processing plant (mill) to a record with almost 238 000 tonnes / day and an average gold production every year to reach almost 3.5 million ounces, plus operations at DOZ 42,000 tonnes / day in 2005. Until now, the production processing plant reaches above 300 tonnes / day. By use of tailings as a useful material, Pohan and his colleagues reported the evaluation of land resources in the tailings. He said, resource hypothetical 993,798 tonnes Cu, Zn 140,660.64 tons, Au 12.4861.800 g (± 12.4 tons), and the hypothetical magnetite resource 1.65912 billion pounds (1,659,120 tonnes).Tailing PTFI Environmental contamination?So far, due to contamination of plants and animals and the disposal of mine tailings PTFI is, at least 5 types of vegetables (Cabbage, Cucumber, Pare, Gambas and Cay lan) in Millpost (MP) 21 have been reported in the form of metal contaminated arsenic (Ar), Copper ( Cu), Mercury (Hg), Lead (Pb) and Zinz (Zn), with high levels of Cu and Zn above the standard threshold. Monitoring and evaluation of heavy metal content in crops analyzed in February 2006.Then based on the results of the monitoring report PT FI in June 2006, the Department of Environment PTFI found about 15 species of plants were harvested and collected from the pilot farm crops at Mile 21 contains some metallic elements that endanger the natural vegetation. Analysis of the celery, mustard green, Red Spinach, Green Spinach, Watercress, mustard "Radish", beans, yam, potato, cassava, taro, rice, cucumber "Hercules", cucumber green "Rocket" and cucumber "Venus" was contaminated by metal element.Dangers metal contamination through the food chain does not stop the natural vegetation in the form of agricultural products that have been mentioned above. But also by the report, the unknown productivity of 20 species of butterfly decline due to heavy metal contamination of the genetic effect. Some heavy metals are mentioned in the report, generally harm humans even bring fatal to humans. Such as selenium (Se), lead (Pb), arsenic (As), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), and copper (Cu). Still investigating the findings beam element Uranium (U) in the tailings area PTFI.In relation to the food chain, some kinds of plants in MP 21 planted as a food source and breeding ground. Then every species of butterflies have food sources and breeding grounds in certain plant species. Such plants are a source of food prescribed for Papilio Aegeus butterfly, Papilio ulysses, Papilio Papilio demeleus ambrax; butterfly orange (Citrus sp.) Evodia elleryana suck honey hibiscus flowers.As for the type Catopsilia Pamona and Appias celestina consuming feed crops. Butterflies Elodina andropsi, Hypolimmas Bolina, feed in the form of citrus and flowers broken dishes and other crops. Butterflies use plants as a place to put their eggs are from family (Caecalpinoideae), Cassia alata, Cassia sp. etc.. While the butterfly type Cathobsila cydippe, Ideopsis juventa, Mycalesis aethiops, parthenos aspila Tigrina, Melanitis constantina and Malanitis leda, sucking sugar fruit nectar Ficus damaropsis, Psigium guyajava decaying.MP 21 is fitted on-site tailings, or housing residents next to the levee west PTFI. Butterflies as biological materials having interaction with metals, even dangerous. Activities and natural processes occur. The danger, the metal element or chemical compound has come to other organisms and natural vegetation around it through the food chain as well as directly. Thus alleged that contamination of tailings have also been up to man surrounding residents along the tailings disposal. In Timika, residents complained of a number of diseases. Ranging from hives to chronic diseases. "There needs further investigation. Is it due to illness-panyakit tailing? "Official sources said District Health Mimika to the author. Allegedly, the contamination that happens to people through the activities of citizens. In addition to direct residents of Kampung Nayaro the cross, is also due to the consumption of crops, fisheries citizens and other economic nurseries owned by Betel Garden, Sector, Culverts, Sempan, SP-1, Kampung Nawaripi and SP-4, to Mapurujaya and Paomako , Timika Papua. While on the eastern embankment, Kampung Nayaro a cage in the tailings area. In Nayaro, it is an old song about the contamination directly or through intermediaries. It's just a survey and investigation has not been done extensively.Human exposure to the material elements / compounds that actually required avoided by time, distance and protection. But if not, contamination directly or through intermediaries occurred. For example, through the food chain earlier. These processes occur and are left almost 42 years PTFI operates in Papua. The impact of the omission is in the area of ​​the mine and tailings disposal site in Timika contamination has occurred, no environmental pollution, no environmental destruction, habitat destruction and other. Even more recently, due to sedimentation also nearly drowned West Mimika region, Kaokanao to Pulau Tiga in the East Mimika. Fish, crabs, snails and other residents have also complained. Why is the produce of the sea, and on land times it's not like it used to? Even to the organs of the human body had a strange disease. Sudden outbreak of attacks in the region or specific area. Type of the disease is due to contamination or chemical materials. More ironically, the doctors at the hospital diagnosed as a result of disease generally.In the field of radioactive tailings detected uranium classmates. Pohan and his colleagues argued grade uranium radiation below the threshold limit. While the elements or ingredients in a certain dose of radiation damages healthy cells, tissues, organs, body systems permanently. Even when people are exposed continuously for a long time, high-dose radiation, can damage, cell death, networks, systems, human organs permanently. Due to radiation also causes people to experience physical and mental disabilities as a result. Have you ever wondered why the average PTFI had no children, mandu after working in Freeport? Especially employees in the basement (underground), field workers around the tailings area to employees in Portsite, even though the staff in the room looks skinny on the various offerings four of five perfectly healthy food? Have there been any study of male employees? Salaj a Doctor Gynecology, Wendy (Almahrum) when during duty in Freeport never reveal the metal content in pregnant women. He said, the metal of the fetus capable of disrupting cells and human chromosomes. The impact to the mother and child (baby), he had said in 2008.Is there a contact Wahli or Jatam in Timika?If there is no contact person who associated pengruskan environment in Timika? Nothing. Since the beginning of the year 2000, this institution has been frozen by PT FI, under the pretext of supporting the program and JATAM wahli. A source said Wahli eastern Indonesia, institutional agency environmentalists support it got a big budget, so do not dare protest activity and PT FI mining impacts on the environment and human surroundings. Up to now in Timika and no national environmental agencies who dared to talk about adverse effects on human regeneration around mining giant Papua. (Willem Bobi)