Kamis, 27 September 2012


Olga Hamadi ( Koor KontarS Papua)
Papuan human rights lawyer Olga Hamadi has been threatened after investigating allegations of police torture and ill-treatment in Wamena, Papua province, Indonesia. There are concerns for her safety and she is at risk of further intimidation and attacks. 
Amnesty International has received credible information that Olga Hamadi, a female human rights lawyer working for non-governmental organization KontraS Papua based in Jayapura, Papua province, has been threatened for investigating and legally representing five men in Wamena, who were allegedly tortured or otherwise ill-treated by police in detention. 
On 23 August 2012 Olga Hamadi received information that police personnel from the Jayawijaya District police station slapped, punched and kicked five men accused of a murder that occurred on 14 August 2012 in Wamena in an attempt to force them to confess to their involvement in the murder. She agreed to investigate the allegations and to submit an application for a pre-trial hearing to raise concerns about the alleged violations by the police. On 14 September 2012 she received a call from one of the police investigators who interrogated the men. He was angry about the pre-trial application she submitted and said he could not guarantee her safety in Wamena. Further, Olga Hamadi was informed by local sources that before the pre-trial hearing text messages were being disseminated to the murder victim’s family and local community stating that she was interfering with the case and wanted to stop the legal process.
On the morning of 19 September 2012, the third day of the pre-trial hearing, Olga Hamadi was blocked from entering the Wamena District Court by a crowd of people, including family members of the victim. They threatened to beat her and pressured her to withdraw the pre-trial application. She was then taken to the Jayawijaya District police station by the police. When she wanted to return to the court, she was again blocked by a crowd of people outside the police station. Police officers did not take any steps to assist her. On 20 September 2012, due to ongoing concerns about her safety and the lack of protection from the authorities, she withdrew the pre-trial application and returned to Jayapura. She fears for her safety if and when she travels to Wamena in the future.
Please write immediately in English, Indonesian or your own language urging the Indonesian authorities to:
Take immediate action to ensure the safety of Olga Hamadi, in accordance with her wishes;
Conduct a prompt, independent and impartial investigation into the threats against Olga Hamadi;
Initiate an independent investigation into allegations of torture and other ill-treatment against five people by the police in Wamena and ensure that, should the allegations be verified, those responsible are brought to justice in fair trials and the victims receive reparations; 
Ensure that all members of the police are made aware of the legitimate role of human rights defenders and their responsibility to protect them, as set out in the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders. 
Papua Police Chief (Kapolda)
Inspector General Tito Karnavian Jl. Samratulangi No. 8 Jayapura,Papua,Indonesia
Fax: +62 967 531717
Salutation: Dear Kapolda
Head of the Division on Professionalism and Security (Propam)Inspector General Drs. Herman EffendiJl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav No. 4-5Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950,Indonesia
Fax: +62 21 7280 0947
Salutation: Dear Inspector General
And copies to:
Chairperson National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM)Mr. Ifdhal Kasim
Jl LatuharharyNo.4 Menteng Jakarta Pusat10310, IndonesiaFax: +62 21 39 25 227�
Also send copies to diplomatic representatives accredited to your country.

ADditional Information

Under Article 2 of the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders, each state has a duty to create the conditions necessary to defend human rights within their jurisdictions. However, Amnesty International continues to receive credible reports of attacks against human rights defenders and journalists in Indonesia, and human rights defenders are regularly intimidated and harassed in Papua. International human rights observers, non-governmental organizations and journalists are severely restricted in their work there.
Most past human rights violations against human rights defenders, including torture and other ill-treatment, possible unlawful killings and enforced disappearances, remain unsolved and those responsible have not been brought to justice. Besides continued reports of intimidation and attacks against human rights defenders, they have also been the subject of criminal defamation proceedings due to their work. 
Amnesty International calls on the Indonesian government to ensure an environment in which it is possible to defend human rights without fear of reprisal or intimidation. Further, the Indonesian government should adopt prompt, effective and impartial measures to provide remedy to human rights defenders who have suffered an attack or are at risk of attack, and provide compensation to human rights defenders who have been victims of abuses due to their work. 
There also continues to be credible reports of human rights violations committed by the police in Indonesia, including torture and other ill-treatment, unnecessary and excessive use of force and firearms, unlawful killings, and failure to protect victims of human rights abuses. Investigations into reports of police abuses are rare, and police often subject complainants to further intimidation and harassment. Current internal police disciplinary mechanisms are inadequate to deal with criminal offences amounting to human rights violations and are often not known to the public. Furthermore, external police oversight bodies do not have the adequate powers to bring to justice those responsible for human rights violations. 
Indonesia has yet to fully incorporate a crime of torture in its Criminal Code, thus failing to meet its obligations as a state party to the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment (UNCAT). The lack of sufficient legal provisions on “acts of torture” creates a loophole which has devastating consequences. It does not provide a sufficient legal basis on which state agents can be brought to court, and consequently does not provide an adequate legal deterrent to prevent state agents from committing such acts of torture.
Name: Olga Hamadi
Gender m/f: F
UA: 273/12 Index: ASA 21/039/2012 Issue Date: 24 September 2012

Jakarta-Papua dialogue Political Will Wait for President

Taha Alhamid
JAYAPURA-Jakarta-Papua dialogue as a form of resolution to the problems in Papua road or no road is no longer the people of Papua. But only a matter of judgment or political (political will) President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Because the Jakarta-Papua dialogue is a political decision of the Papuans since year 2000, through intensive work by the Papua Peace Network (JDP).This was conveyed by the Secretary General of the Papua Presidium Council (PDP) Alhamid Taha contacted via phone in Jayapura on Wednesday (26/9). He said if the President has expressed his commitment, resolve Papua should be done with care, the Jakarta-Papua dialogue agenda superior.Nevertheless, he said, at any given moment appear DR. Farid Husein, Presidential Advisory Council, DPD, etc., makes the basic view of the dialogue is different."We the people of Papua have political decisions. We already know. Talk within the framework would invite anyone. Papuans who are overseas, please. All the framework is already in JDP I've seen it. And that we support. So actually only one key word political will alone. Simple to, "he said.According to him, when the leaders of the Church of Papua beraudensi with President has conveyed a desire to dialogue about. The format how. What material. What goal. Stay was right. No need to retreat again. That is what should be encouraged, especially Wantimpres is working with JDP. In cooperation with the Hussein Farid special authority to formulate a frame of dialogue. What would be discussed. How. What is the material and what other mechanisms to address what the president asked. "I can see kwatirnya about dialog only Jakarta had a team. Voice Special in the name Farid Husein, Wantimpres. Will there be more of the Political and Security Affairs, DPD whether they coordinate. This kwatir confront precisely this fact. Though Jakarta-Papua dialogue is conical. Difficult what if for example the President with authority to call Farid Husein, Wantimpres okay you sit talking with friends from Papua represented by JDP. And sure JDP would talk to religious leaders with various stake holders that are here representing Papua New JDP go. "Well that's where discussed and arranged frame of dialogue. When to start a dialogue and so on. It should be black and white signature before the fall of President SBY. That's what I saw was not the coming exploration. One came exploration again.Asked barriers launch Jakarta-Papua dialogue, he added, the political will is not strong enough. Tell to dialogue. Want to resolve Papua carefully but actual policy-policy that is not shown in that direction as militaristic approaches are still visible.He said it kwatir team down to Papua's much later confront questions that began to mature. Confront an issue that has worked long and have started to mature."Now we just wait for the command of the President. Okay you're in the frame of dialogue stacking month to talk with the government, "he said. (Mdc/don/l03)

Arrest Corruptors transfer Papua Merdeka issue?

Protes Rakyat Papua tentang dana. (Foto: Artikel WN Com)
Bintang Papua MANOKWARI - Components of pro-independence Papua, West Papua National Authority (WPNA) assess vigorous legal proceedings against officials in Papua, which indicated a criminal act of corruption in recent years, is part of a strategy of shifting public attention from the issue of Papuan independence to issue arrest criminals ."The emergency in Papua is the government should immediately appoint negotiators to move forward in a dignified dialogue to find agreement on sustainable development in Papua. So this is just a diversion from the issue of Papuan independence issues and human rights violations in Papua, "said spokesman Jack Wanggai WPNA, yesterday in Manokwari.WPNA own pessimistic officials who are now being accused of corruption can ultimately get punishment. Because, according to him, usually law enforcement agencies in Indonesia have entered the vortex of mafia mafia law and justice. WPNA also questioned the central government's seriousness in combating corruption in Indonesia. For WPNA perspective, the central government has deliberately precipitate Special Autonomy funds (Autonomy) Papua certain period of time before distributed to the provinces of Papua and West Papua.Action OTSUS hold within a certain period resulting new OTSUS far disbursed after setting budgets WPNA interpreted as a form of covert corruption committed certain parties in the central government. "What is the reason for the central government withhold funding Autonomy, why not once thawed the budget but was held until October or November revealed new, this means there is an indication of the central government is also corrupt the money of the people of Papua," said Jack.From various indications, WPNA sure there is a scenario being played parties in Papua intelligence to distract the people of Papua to raise the issue of corruption."If you want to catch criminals in Papua, the central government should arrest the people in Jakarta who corrupt the Special Autonomy Fund, is clearly shifting public attention simply because the most important thing is to immediately release Papuan Political prisoners / prisoners and let's negotiate a dignified dialogue," said Jack. (Sera/don/l03)

Did The East Timor Tragedy Teach Us Nothing?

Jennifer Robinson (photo Rt.com)

AUCKLAND, New Zealand (Pacific Scoop, June 25, 012) – As violence escalates in West Papua, one cannot help but recall East Timor and wonder how much worse it must get before Australia, New Zealand and the international community will act.
Tensions are at breaking point in the easternmost province of Indonesia after the police shooting of independence activist Mako Tabuni.
Human rights activists report Tabuni was unarmed when shot six times by the Australian-trained Detachment 88 forces. Tabuni was deputy chairman of the West Papua National Committee, an organization advocating independence and the right to self-determination under international law. Tabuni had also been campaigning for an investigation into a recent spate of military killings.
The shooting follows years of violence. At least 16 people have been killed in the past month, according to human rights groups, and hundreds of homes raided, with many burnt to the ground. Thousands are reported to be evacuating, seeking refuge in the forest or heading for refugee camps in Papua New Guinea. Credible reports of human rights violations by Indonesian security forces have emerged, including torture, excessive use of force and extrajudicial killings.
Yet Indonesia’s State Intelligence Agency chief, Lieutenant-General Marciano Norman, placed blame on the Free Papua Movement, "foreign agents" and local residents for the violence.
The President, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, played down the events. As Indonesia obfuscates and Australia remains silent, West Papua bleeds.
While most Australians are proud of our role in ending 24 years of bloody Indonesian occupation in East Timor, we should not forget it came after a long history of accepting Indonesian assertions of sovereignty while ignoring human rights abuse on our doorstep.
Wide-eyed innocence
After East Timor, we cannot claim any wide-eyed innocence regarding West Papua.
Australia is now bidding for a place on the United Nations Security Council on the basis of our alleged "human rights-based foreign policy," highlighting our role in East Timor while trying to keep a lid on our history of inaction there.
The federal Attorney-General has refused freedom of information requests for the release of diplomatic cables dating to the 1970s – cables that a University of NSW professor, Clinton Fernandes, says will show Australian complicity in concealing the mass starvation of Timorese.
Are we now making the same mistakes with West Papua? Few are aware of Australian and UN involvement in West Papua 30 years before the intervention in East Timor.
Like East Timor, West Papua was annexed by Indonesia in circumstances that violated international law. Comparisons are made, and with good reason.
Both territories are made up of distinct minorities. Both are rich in natural resources. Both have struggled for self-determination. Like East Timor, West Papua had a UN vote for self-determination, only the outcome could not have been more different.
Sham vote
In 1999, East Timor got a proper vote and won independence (not before an estimated 200,000 Timorese had died). But in 1969, West Papua got a sham vote and became part of Indonesia.
Last month, East Timor celebrated 10 years of independence or, as the Timorese say, 10 years since the international community recognized their independence.
But an estimated 400,000 Papuans have now been killed after more than 40 years of Indonesian oppression and abuse.
This year, Indonesia faced international condemnation for the imprisonment of West Papuan leaders for peacefully calling for independence. When asked if Australia had raised concerns with Indonesia, the Foreign Affairs Minister, Bob Carr, responded by admitting that "before I could raise the subject…
The Indonesian Foreign Minister nominated that they have a clear responsibility to see that their sovereignty is upheld in respect of human rights standards," and Carr "was impressed by that."
In responses eerily similar to statements made by Gareth Evans about East Timor during Indonesian rule, Carr warned members of Parliament "against foolishly talking up" West Papuans’ right to self-determination because it "threatens the territorial integrity of Indonesia" and "would produce a reaction" towards Australia. It would be a foolish foreign affairs minister who did not learn from our mistakes in East Timor.
Australia should, at a minimum, reconsider military aid to Indonesia and call for them to allow media and international organizations access to West Papua to investigate abuses and facilitate peaceful dialogue.
East Timor should remind us of the hefty price of turning a blind eye to repression in the mistaken belief that it serves stability in our region. As a Deakin University academic, Scott Burchill, has long argued, it is not only "a dereliction of our ethical duty, it is politically short-sighted and usually results in blowback." (By Jennifer Robinson)

Papuan Media Accuses Indonesian Inteligence of 'Fake Journalism'

Papuan Protest Indenpendent.

AUCKLAND, New Zealand (Pacific Scoop, July 3, 2012) – Indonesian Intelligence and military forces have been accused of pushing their own agendas in the Papuan press in an
open letter from Victor Mambor, head of the Jayapura branch of the Alliance for Independent Journalists (AJI), circulated in the West Papua region.
This letter comes at a time when the Indonesian-run colonial press in West Papua is coming under repeated attack from both Papuan and Indonesian religious and civil society figures, independent media and human rights organizations, for its unethical and blatantly false reportage of the recent upsurge in "unknown killings" in Papua, referred to as OTK (orang tidak ketahui or unknown persons, now referred to across Papua as Orang Terlatih Khusus or Specially Trained People).
Indonesian-owned media outlets in Papua have long been identified with Indonesian intelligence and propaganda activities, with many outlets being directly owned by military officers for profit, and almost all media outlets coming under the control (either willing or not) of Indonesian intelligence personnel.
West Papua Media wrote a detailed section in the Pacific Media Watch 2011
Pacific Media Freedom report published in Pacific Journalism Review and highlighted the issues faced with press freedom in West Papua.
This report details the tactics Indonesian occupation forces use to limit factual reportage in Papua, and to dissuade journalists from doing their job.
However, now the Indonesian colonial press is becoming even more blatant in pushing an agenda in step with the Indonesian military agenda.
This agenda is being keenly felt by members of the nonviolent civil resistance movement and Papuan civil society, particularly members of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB), who are being blamed for the OTK campaign despite no evidence being presented to prove the military assertions, with what little evidence present having been entirely fabricated by a police too terrified to point the finger at the real perpetrators of violence in Papua – their big brothers in the military.
Mako Tabuni
Spreading falsehood
This spreading of falsehood has reached a crescendo around the assassination of KNPB leader Mako Tabuni, who was gunned down in an execution on June 14 by Australian-trained Detachment 88 officers in Jayapura.
Justifying this criminal act, Indonesian police have variously claimed that they shot Mako in self defense, despite many witness claims that he was shot in the back while on the ground.
Indonesian police then fabricated evidence including placing a handgun on his body in the hospital, and loudly announcing that Mako was responsible with other KNPB members for the series of OTK shootings, including the shooting of a German tourist.
This is despite the unchallenged fact that all shootings were carried out with men in broad daylight who made no attempt to hide and nonchalantly drove away in the DS (police) plated Avanzas.
This was reported uncritically by many in the colonial Indonesian press in Papua, with ironically perhaps, the truth-telling in Indonesian metropolitan media coming from independent human rights journalists who went out on a limb by telling the story of the peaceful activist and freedom fighter whom they had all met and spent time with in his attempts to non-violently raise the issue of his peoples suffering under colonial genocidal policies.
Yet the shootings continue, even with the official suspect dead, with nary a comment coming from the colonial press, a situation that is a direct repetition of the assassination of Kelly Kwalik on December 16, 2010.
Kwalik was also blamed for the OTK shootings that have plagued the giant Freeport Grasberg gold and copper mine for many years, shootings widely blamed on a spat between Brimob police and the TNI for control of mine protection and illegal gold mining businesses.
Shootings continue
Again, despite the assassination of Kwalik (again by Detachment 88 officers), the shootings continue, and will continue as long as the Indonesian security forces use conflict as a way of guaranteeing their presence.
A presence with its only purpose being to exploit natural resources and make the generals’ money – at the heart of why Papuan people resist the colonization of their land.
The leader of the indigenous Papuan Kingmi church, the Reverend Benny Giay, was last week in Jakarta to brief international diplomats about the shootings and recent massive increases in state violence against Papuan people.
In his briefing, he said that when the government has claimed shootings are carried out by separatist groups, Papuans respond to those claims with their usual: "Oh itu lagu lama. The authorities are playing the old song."
As Mambor has outlined in his letter, Rev Giay made a series of formal complaints to the Indonesian Press Council and journalists’ associations about the alleged lack of integrity of Indonesian so-called journalists in Papua and of their non-factual scapegoating of ordinary Papuans for separatist and violent actions.
This seems to have already threatened powerful people, as a source close to Giay had told West Papua Media that he was physically threatened by a member of the security forces during his advocacy work in Jakarta.
But this behavior by intelligence services and their not-very-opaque "journalists" is causing many independent media to look at other tactics to regain their Papuan voices.
Just as Victor Mambor has done with his heartfelt letter, the independent Papuan citizen media outlet UMAGI News has taken a bold step in publicly naming a group of Indonesian reporters that it believes are paid intelligence officers under the command of the Cenderwasih military command.
Papuan journalists: ‘Stop terror on press reporters’
In an editorial, UmagiNews has argued that most Indonesians who serve in professional media in Papua do not carry out the tasks and functions of a journalist.
"Whether in print, electronic or online media, (journalists should) convey information what has happened, seen, heard, felt. To be independent means to report the events and facts in accordance with the voice of conscience without interference, coercion, and the intervention of other parties including the owners of the press," said the Umagi editorial.
"Accurate means truthful according to the objective circumstances when the event occurs; balanced means that all parties have equal opportunity to have their views heard; and to not act in bad faith means no deliberate and sole intent of the detriment of others. Yet according to KM, a Papuan independent journalist, most journalists who served in Papua have always worked closely with the military, which is a violation of the journalistic code of ethics."
Umagi News published the names of the following reporters whom it says it has gathered evidence that shows their active collaboration as informers and/or trained agents with civilian or military intelligence services.
Umagi claims its information has come from sources within both the security forces, and from a TNI document from the command of the XVII/Cenderawasih Military Region Taskforce 6 "datasheet of informants/agents", signed by one Ahmad Fikri Musmar (NRP inf Captain 11,970,044,410,576).
All suspects are ethnic Indonesians and non-Papuan. They and their media affiliations are named on the West Papuan Media websitehere.
West Papua Media has sought clarification from independent journalists and human rights sources in West Papua about the veracity of these names, and our sources have concurred with the accuracy of the names given in the Umagi report, though West Papua Media has not yet been able to see the document first hand.
However, this is not a new claim.

For example, On May 16, the TNI [Indonesian military] held a major meeting with Indonesian press representatives in Sorong, and encouraged soldiers and journalists to work together to ensure "balanced coverage of the affairs of the function and duties of the TNI… so that it can be beneficial for society."

The commander of the TNI in Sorong, Colonel Inf Wiharsa Eka, even exhorted all present to monitor events together, as "it runs the full atmosphere of intimate friendship, and even a means to know each other.

The journalists should exchange phone numbers, either with me or Danyon commander (Commander Batalyon)," said the colonel. With friends like these soldiers, how could an honest journalist possibly have any fears of reporting events factually in Papua?

Papuan people reclaiming their own media space is an inevitable next step in the struggle for self-determination. The building a free and robust credible independent media is the basis for any democratic society – and indeed this is the core mission of West Papua Media.

 But Indonesia’s deliberate manipulation of the truth and its corruption of the principles of journalism in West Papua, together with the ongoing and constant threats to brave professional and citizen journalists in Papua for telling the truth, are giving those committed to genuine journalism more impetus every day to give voice to the voiceless, and to help the voiceless roar in Papua. ( Nick Chesterfield)

West Papua Human Rights Situation

Filep Karma is serving 15 years in prison for raising a flag. A prominent advocate for the rights of Indonesia's Papuan population, Filep was arrested in 2004 for taking part in a peaceful ceremonial raising of the Morning Star flag, a symbol of Papua.

Recently Detachment 88 setting up by Australia, America and British for untie terrorist Unit for counter terrorism in Indonesia. The untie terrorist unit mist use the fund to Killing West Papua Leader Mako abuni. 
Then arrested Buthat Tabuni without any evident what his crimes was, just because of the leading campaign West Papua Self Determination and independence he was in Jail.

  Posted By Voice Of Baptist Papua to Voice of Baptist Papua

Rabu, 26 September 2012

Bencana Padang Hijau, Bencana Manusia Papua

Warga pendulang di Kali Kabur, areal Tailing PTFI. (Yamin Blogspot.com)
Dimanakah Padang Hijau yang dirusaki oleh proses sedimentasi?
Tahukah anda, Papua merupakan paru-paru dunia? Dari pesisir pantai sampai dataran tinggi Papua memiliki padang hijau yang terpesona. Tapi kondisi itu bakalan tak dijumpai di daerah areal tambang PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI), Timika Papua. Mengapa? Tailing adalah satu jenis limbah yang dihasilkan oleh kegiatan tambang, dan kehadirannya dalam dunia pertambangan tidak bisa dihindari. Sebagai limbah sisa pengolahan batu-batuan, tailing umumnya mengandung mineral-mineral berharga. Kandungan mineral pada tailing tersebut tidak bisa dihindari, dikarenakan pengolahan bijih untuk memperoleh mineral yang dapat dimanfaatkan pada industri pertambangan tidak akan mencapai perolehan (recovery) 100%. Hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh kekerasan batuan dan bijih yang menyebabkan hasil giling cenderung lebih kasar, dan mengakibatkan perolehan (recovery) menurun disertai semakin rendahnya kandungan mineral di dalam konsentrat. Kehalusan ukuran butiran mineral juga menyebabkan sulitnya tercapai liberasi (liberation). Di daerah tambang PTFI (lihat figure 1), daerah pengrusakan atau penutupan lahan hijau Papua terjadi dari Grasberg sampai pelabuhan Amamapare dan sekitarnya, kurang lebih sepanjang 78 mill jauhnya. Bila disebutkan, daerah yang ditutupi tailing adalah Grasberg, areal pabrik pengolahan fisik dan kimiawi, eks pembuangan danau wanagon, hingga sungai dan muara  Aijkwa serta Sungai Otomona. Proses ini menyebabkan sedimentasi dari Grasberg sampai di laut selatan Papua.
Di dataran tinggi. Tahukah anda tentang pengrusakan yang terjadi di dataran tinggi (High Land)? Batas antara Taman Lorenz dengan areal tambang, secara kasad mata hampir tak jelas. Mungkin orang dalam (PTFI) yang mengetahuinya? Tapi daerah salju itu bakalan tertutup oleh proses sisa tambang. Tadinya, padang hijau dihiasi tanaman perdu, namun kini hijaunya hampir tak kelihatan lagi. Kendaraan dan alat berat berlalu-lalang di atasnya sepanjang 24 jam. Entah bagaimana, isi perut bumi Papua itu berubah kontras. Bukannya embun dan salju menutupinya. Tapi penutup High Land, Grasberg dan sekitarnya digantikan oleh bongkahan tanah, batuan dan sisa mineral bercampur bahan kimia berhamburan bagai pabrik bawah tanah ala United Stated of America (USA). Pernahkah anda mendengar atau membaca catatan harian maupun terbitan buku pengalaman para mantan karyawan PTFI? Lebih banyak mereka mengupas tentang padang hijau di dataran tinggi yang rusak akibat operasi perusahaan raksasa itu.
Di dataran rendah. Setelah beroperasi sejak puluhan tahun silam, proses sedimentasi terjadi hingga ke laut. Beberapa waktu lalu, pihak PTFI menjelaskan, meski telah bekerjasama dengan beberapa Universitas terkemuka Indonesia, tapi mengalami kesulitan untuk mengatasi pendangkalan air laut selatan Papua itu. Pendangkalan akibat tailing telah mematikan makhluk hidup air dan darat. Tim Peneliti eksternal PT Freeport Indonesia, Program penelitian konservasi pusat sumber daya geologi tahun 2007 menyebutkan areal pembuangan tailing mengandung bahan kimia yang dapat dimanfaatkan maupun tidak dapat dimanfaatkan. Bahan-bahan itu berbahaya  bagi manusia. Areal penyidikannya dalam wilayah Kontrak Karya PT Freeport Indonesia, dikenal dengan Mod ADA ( Modified Ajkwa Deposition Area), secara geografis terletak pada 136o 55’ - 136o 58’ Bujur Timur dan 4º32’ – 4o40’ Lintang Selatan, dan secara administrasi termasuk Distrik Mimika Baru, Kota Timika, Provinsi Papua. Penyelidikan ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kemungkinan tailing hasil pengolahan PT Freeport Indonesia masih mengandung bahan-bahan atau mineral yang dapat dimanfaatkan. Ke depan dianjurkan agar penilitiannya dilakukan di daerah Kali Otomona maupun Sungai Aijkwa dari mata air sampai muara kali, sepanjang garis 74 sampai 78 lebih mil.
Pembuangan tailing pada awalnya dilakukan pada aliran Sungai Ajkwa di era Tambang Ertsberg. Daerah ini  terpaksa direhabilitasi untuk sementara, kemudian sampai detik ini pembuangan tailing akibat tambang Grasberg dialihkan ke aliran Sungai Otomona, pengendapan di sisi timur aliran Sungai Ajkwa, melampaui lahan di atas 230 km².
Apa saja unsur kimianya?
Pemercontohan tailing oleh Tim Peneliti eksternal PTFI, Program penelitian konservasi pusat sumber daya geologi tahun 2007dilakukan dengan menggunakan bor Bangka 4 inc di 13 lokasi secara acak (scout drill), dan pendulangan pada 3 lokasi, dengan jumlah contoh, 63 contoh pasir, 66 contoh konsentrat dulang. Analisis contoh tailing dilakukan secara kimia dan fisika. Ternyata hasilnya memperlihatkan kandungan kadar Tembaga (Cu 0,16 % - 0,25 %), Timah Hitam (Pb 65 ppm - 103 ppm), Seng (Zn 0.015 – 0.05 %), Besi (Fe 6,14 % - 8,88 %), Arsenik (As 2 ppm – 28 ppm), Perak (Ag 2,00 ppm - 3,66 ppm), Sb < 2ppm – 5 ppm, Au 22 ppb - 355 ppb, dan Mercury (Hg 0.2ppb – 57 ppb). Hasil analisis major elemen, memperlihatkan tingginya kadar rata-rata elemen SiO2, Al2O3, dan Fe2O3. Kandungan mineral magnetit bervariasi baik secara horizontal maupun vertikal, dengan nilai tertinggi 84,97 % dan nilai terendah < 16 %. Hasil analisis cemaran radiasi terhadap 2 (dua) conto terpilih pada tailing PT FI menunjukkan kadar dibawah batas deteksi unsur Uranium (238U).
Bagaimana rasio sisa pengupasan bijih hingga kini?
Semenjak PT FI menambang Sumber daya alam (SDA) Papua, sampai saat ini jutaan ton tailing hasil pengolahaan telah dibuang, dari 7.275 ton/hari di tahun 1973, meningkat menjadi 31.040 ton/hari di tahun 1988 dan awal tahun 2000 menjadi 223.100 ton/hari (www.weamaster@jatam.org). Tahun 2001, tingkat produksi pabrik pengolahan (mill) mencapai rekor dengan hampir 238.000 ton/hari serta produksi emas rata-rata setiap tahun mencapai hampir 3,5 juta ons, ditambah operasi DOZ pada tingkat 42.000 ton/hari tahun 2005. Hingga kini, produksi pabrik pengolahan mencapai di atas 300 ton/hari. Demi memanfaatkan Tailing sebagai bahan bermanfaat, Pohan dan kawan-kawannya melaporkan evaluasi sumberdaya di lahan tailing. Katanya, sumber daya hipotetik Cu 993.798 ton, Zn 140.660,64 ton, Au 12.4861.800 gr (± 12.4 ton), dan sumber daya hipotetik magnetit 1.659.120.000 kg (1.659.120 ton).
Tailing PTFI mengkontaminasi Lingkungan Hidup?
Selama ini kontaminasi tanaman dan hewan akibat tambang dan pembuangan tailing PTFI adalah, sedikitnya 5 jenis sayuran (Kol, Ketimun, Pare, Gambas dan Cay lan) di Millpost (MP) 21 pernah dilaporkan terkena kontaminasi bahan logam berupa Arsenic (Ar), Copper (Cu), Mercury (Hg), Lead (Pb) dan Zinz (Zn), dengan kadar Cu dan Zn diatas ambang batas standar. Monitoring dan evaluasi kandungan logam berat pada hasil bumi dianalisis pada bulan Februari 2006 lalu.
Kemudian berdasarkan hasil monitoring report PT FI pada Juni 2006, Departemen Lingkungan Hidup PTFI menemukan sekitar 15 jenis tanaman yang dipanen dan dikumpulkan dari kebun percontohan hasil bumi di Mile 21 mengandung beberapa unsur logam yang membahayakan vegetasi alam. Analisis pada Seledri, Sawi Hijau, Bayam Merah, Bayam Hijau, Kangkung, Sawi “petsay”, buncis, bengkoang, kentang, singkong, talas, padi, ketimun “Hercules”, mentimun hijau “Rocket” dan mentimun ‘Venus” ternyata terkontaminasi oleh unsur logam.
Bahaya kontaminasi logam melalui rantai makanan tidak hanya berhenti sampai vegetasi alam berupa hasil pertanian yang telah disebutkan diatas. Namun juga berdasar laporan itu, diketahui produktivitas 20 jenis kupu-kupu menurun akibat kontaminasi logam berat sebagai efek genetik. Beberapa logam berat yang disebutkan dalam laporan tersebut, umumnya merugikan manusia bahkan membawa fatal bagi manusia. Seperti selenium (Se), timbal (Pb), arsenik (As), seng (Zn), mangan (Mn), dan tembaga (Cu). Masih menyelidiki temuan pancaran unsur Uranium (U) dalam areal tailing PTFI.
Dalam hubungan rantai makanan, beberapa jenis tanaman di MP 21 ditanami sebagai sumber pakan dan tempat berkembang biak. Lalu setiap jenis kupu-kupu mempunyai sumber pakan dan tempat berkembang biak pada jenis-jenis tanaman tertentu. Seperti jenis tanaman yang menjadi sumber pakan disebutkan untuk kupu-kupu Papilio aegeus, Papilio ulysses, Papilio demeleus Papilio ambrax ; Kupu-kupu jeruk (Citrus sp.) Evodia elleryana mengisap madu bunga-bunga kembang sepatu.
Sedangkan untuk jenis Catopsilia pamona dan Appias celestina memakan jenis tanaman pakannya. Kupu-kupu Elodina andropsi, Hypolimmas bolina, pakannya berupa jeruk dan bunga pecah piring dan jenis tanaman lainnya. Kupu-kupu yang mempergunakan tanaman sebagai tempat meletakkan telurnya adalah dari family (Caecalpinoideae),Cassia alata,Cassia sp. dll. Sementara kupu-kupu jenis Cathobsila cydippe, Ideopsis juventa, Mycalesis aethiops, Parthenos aspila tigrina, Melanitis constantina dan Malanitis leda, mengisap gula buah-buah madu bunga Ficus damaropsis, Psigium guyajava yang membusuk.
MP 21 terletak pas di lokasi Tailing, atau perumahan warga penduduk di sebelah tanggul barat PTFI.  Kupu-kupu sebagai materi biologi mengalami interaksi dengan logam, meski berbahaya. Aktivitas dan proses alami terjadi. Bahayanya, unsur logam ataupun senyawa kimia  telah sampai kepada biota lain dan vegetasi alam sekitarnya melalui jalur rantai makanan maupun secara langsung.  Dengan demikian diduga bahwa, kontaminasi tailing juga telah sampai kepada manusia warga sekitarnya di sepanjang pembuangan tailing. Di Timika, warga mengeluhkan sejumlah penyakit. Mulai dari gatal-gatal hingga penyakit kronis. ”Perlu ada penyelidikan lebih lanjut. Apakah penyakit-panyakit itu akibat tailing?” ucap sumber pejabat Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Mimika kepada penulis. Diduga, kontaminasi itu terjadi kepada manusia melalui aktivitas warga. Selain secara langsung warga Kampung Nayaro yang melintasinya, juga akibat konsumsi hasil kebun, perikanan warga serta pembibitan perekonomian lainnya milik warga Kebun Sirih, Sektoral, Gorong-gorong, Sempan, SP-1, Kampung Nawaripi dan SP-4, hingga ke Mapurujaya dan Paomako, Timika Papua.  Sedangkan di sisi tanggul timur, Kampung Nayaro merupakan kandang dalam areal tailing. Di Nayaro, sudah merupakan lagu lama tentang kontaminasi langsung maupun melalui perantara. Hanya saja survei dan penyidikan belum dilakukan secara luas.
Manusia terkena paparan bahan unsur/senyawa yang sebenarnya wajib dihindari menurut waktu, jarak dan proteksi. Tapi bila tidak, kontaminasi secara langsung maupun melalui perantara terjadi. Misalnya melalui rantai makanan tadi. Proses-proses ini terjadi dan dibiarkan hampir 42 tahun lamanya PTFI beroperasi di Papua. Dampak dari pembiaran adalah di areal tambang maupun lokasi pembuangan tailing di Timika telah terjadi kontaminasi, ada pencemaran lingkungan, ada perusakan lingkungan, kerusakan habitat dan lainnya. Bahkan belakangan ini, akibat sedimentasi juga hampir menenggelamkan wilayah Mimika Barat, Kaokanao hingga Pulau Tiga di bagian Timur Kabupaten Mimika. Ikan, kepiting, siput dan lain-lain pun telah dikeluhkan warga. Mengapa hasil bumi di laut, kali maupun di darat rasanya tidak seperti dulu? Bahkan sampai organ tubuh manusia mengalami jenis penyakit aneh. Tiba-tiba terjadi serangan wabah di wilayah atau areal tertentu. Jenis penyakit tersebut akibat kontaminasi bahan atau kimia. Lebih ironisnya, para dokter di rumah sakit mendiagnosa sebagai penyakit akibat umumnya.
Di lahan tailing terdeteksi bahan radioaktif sekelas uranium. Pohan dan kawan-kawannya mengemukakan pancaran radiasi kelas uranium di bawah ambang batas. Sementara unsur atau bahan radiasi dalam dosis tertentu merusak sel, jaringan, organ, sistem tubuh manusia secara permanen. Bahkan bila manusia terpapar terus menerus dalam waktu yang lama, dosis radiasi tinggi, dapat merusak, mematikan sel, jaringan, sistem, organ tubuh manusia secara permanen. Akibat radiasi pula menyebabkan manusia mengalami cacat fisik dan mental sebagai dampaknya. Pernahkah anda berpikir, mengapa karyawan PTFI rata-rata tidak punya anak, mandu setelah bekerja di PTFI? Terutama karyawan di bawah tanah (underground), petugas lapangan sekitar lahan tailing sampai karyawannya di Portsite, bahkan staf sekalipun di ruangan terlihat kurus di atas aneka sajian makanan 4 sehat lima sempurna? Pernahkah ada penelitian terhadap karyawan laki-laki? Salaj seorang Dokter Kandungan, Wendy (Almahrum) ketika semasa bertugas di Freeport pernah mengungkap kandungan logam pada ibu-ibu hamil. Kata dia, logam pada janin mampu menganggu sel dan kromosom manusia. Dampaknya kepada ibu dan anak (bayinya), katanya waktu itu tahun 2008.
Apakah ada kontak Wahli atau Jatam di Timika?
Kalau tidak ada siapa kontak person terkait pengruskan lingkungan hidup di Timika? Tidak ada. Sejak awal tahun 2000 lalu, institusi ini telah dibekukan oleh PT FI, dengan dalih mendukung program wahli dan jatam. Salah seorang sumber Wahli wilayah Indonesia Timur menyebutkan, institusi  lembaga  pemerhati lingkungan hidup itu mendapat support dana besar, sehingga tidak berani protes aktivitas dan dampak tambang PT FI terhadap lingkungan dan manusia sekitarnya. Hingga kini di Timika maupun secara nasional tidak ada lembaga lingkungan hidup yang berani bicara soal efek buruk terhadap regenerasi manusia Papua sekitar tambang raksasa itu.(Willem Bobi)

Pasien dan RSMM Tanggungjawab PTFI

Maria Kotorok, koordinator Aksi RSMM, Timika Papua. (Ist)
Hampir 12 tahun lalu, PTFI pasang tameng perbaikan nama baiknya melalui layanan public Rumas Sakit Mitra Masyrakat (RSMM) yang dikelolah oleh Yayasan Caritas Timika (YCT) Papua. Namun selang waktu itu pula, bahkan hingga hari ini, PTFI dinilai masih membiarkan pasien RSMM mendapat layanan terburuk akibat pembiaran sponsor dana dari PTFI.
Demikian diungkapkan coordinator Aksi pihak RSMM Timika, Maria Kotorok, yang juga merupakan staf Hubungan masyarakat (Humas) di RSMM Timika, Jalan Raya Poros SP 2 – SP 5 Timika, Senin (24/9) kemarin. “Sementara ini, mulai hari ini kami tidak memberikan layanan poliklinik di rumah sakit. Kami tunggu komitmen dan perbaikan melayani masyarakat dari Freeport baru kami akan buka,” tegas Maria dijumpai di areal RSMM, Senin pagi tadi.
Meski mogok ini terlihat selama 3 jam, sekitar jam 9 pagi pasien menumpuk di RSMM dan akhirnya layanan poliklinik di RSMM berjalan normal kembali tanpa mendapat kepastian jawaban dari perusahaan raksasa itu.
Aksi persatuan karyawan RSMM ini berjalan hampir sejak seminggu lalu. Pihak rumah melalui selebaran dan spanduk di depan rumah sakit menuliskan sejumlah kalimat. Katanya, selama ini perhatian dan janji PTFI tak pernah dijawab. “Alat scan darah saja tidak ada, makanya banyak pasien meninggal dunia selama ini. Banyak pasien gagal ginjal, gagala cuci darah. Pasien malah dirawat di lorong-lorong koridor. Tempat tidur hanya 101 buah saja, pasien lain, laki-laki dan perempuan baku campur. Masuk dengan penyakit malaria, bawah pulang dengan TBC (tuberculosis). Jadi fasilitas ruang, alat-alat dan sarana di sini harus diganti,” tegas Maria ketika ditanya alasannya.
Lanjutnya, sebab itulah, banyak pasien meninggal dunia. Belum lagi termasuk, pasien dirujuk akibat kekurangan fasilitas di RSMM. “Kalau dirujuk, permintahannyta mintah ampun. Tunggu persetujuan berbulan-bulan dari Freeport. Kelamaan. Syukur-syukur kalau pasiennya masih bertahan hidup. Kalau tidak, seperti selama ini, sekitar 100 pasien rujukan ke Jakarta meninggal akibat keterlambatan jawaban rujukan dari perusahaan Freeport,” sambungnya.
Perlu diketahui,RSMM merupakan salah satu rumah sakit swasta yang didanai dari dana 1 persen kepada 7 suku local. Dalam pengelolahannya, dana tersebut disalurkan melalui Lembaga Pengembangan Masyarakat  Amungme dan Kamoro (LPMAK), kemudian bekerja sama dengan pihak Keuskupan Timika. Secara teknis, Keuskupan Timika membentuk Yayasan Caritas Timika (YCT) Papua, dan mengangkat karyawan RSMM secara permanen. “Melalui Keuskupan dan LPMAK, Freeport hanya pasang muka. Tapi ingat, rumah sakit ini bukan untuk memperbaiki reputasi nama Freeport, tapi hak masyarakat. Jadi stop Freport bunuh masyarakat. Belum puas dengan mengekrok kekayaan alam Papuakah?” tepis Maria meninggalkan wartawan. (ALMER)

Senin, 24 September 2012

U.N Report Chartises U.S For Status Of Native Population

WASHINGTON, Sep 20 2012 (IPS) - A top United Nations official has presented the first ever international investigation into the situation of indigenous peoples in the United States, urging the adoption of new policies and mechanisms to “address persistent deep-seeded problems related to historical wrongs, failed policies of the past and continuing systemic barriers”.
Based on research in the United States this past spring, James Anaya, the U.N.’s special rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, presented his final report to the U.N. Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva on Tuesday. The process marks the first time that the United States has allowed an external body to formally investigate and comment on the situation of its indigenous communities, a notably sensitive issue.
Speaking before the council, Anaya stated that indigenous communities in the United States (also referred to as American Indians) continue to “face significant challenges that are related to widespread historical wrongs, including broken treaties and acts of oppression, and misguided government policies, that today manifest themselves in various indicators of disadvantage and impediments to the exercise of their individual and collective rights.”
The U.S. mission to the UNHRC has offered a formal response to the concerns raised, highlighting several new and recent government initiatives and policy changes.
These include a three-percent increase – to 19.4 billion dollars – in President Barack Obama’s budget request for 2013 in funding earmarked for indigenous communities, as well as changes under the country’s newly expanded health insurance legislation that would include a 29-percent increase to the budget of the Indian Health Service over 2009 figures.
(By deadline, the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs did not respond to requests for comment on the report.)
Yet the special rapporteur cautioned that “existing federal programmes need to be improved upon and their execution made more effective.”
Indeed, the 310 tribal-overseen “reservations” in the United States, on which about half of the 4.5 million-strong Native American population lives today, are sites of some of the country’s most grinding poverty. Some reservations see 66-percent unemployment figures, while rates of alcoholism are five times that of the rest of the U.S. population.
According to the most recent U.S. census statistics, a quarter of all Native Americans live in poverty and nearly a third lack health insurance, suffering from several health problems at far higher rates than the rest of the country. According to 2003 data, fewer than half of Native American youths were expected to graduate from high school.
Such marginalisation has led to rights abuses that advocates say have yet to be addressed by either the U.S. government – or, some suggest, by Anaya’s report.
“Although the special rapporteur failed to recognise the growing problem of human and civil rights violations among the indigenous people of the United States, I am not surprised,” John Gomez, with the American Indian Rights and Resource Organization, told IPS. “To acknowledge that the problem exists, and that the United States has taken no action to protect the rights of the individuals being persecuted, would expose the hypocrisy of the U.S. government and the current administration.”
Gomez says that U.S. policies in addressing rights violations abroad versus within its own borders are contradictory. “The indigenous people of the United States,” he says, “deserve the same type of action taken by the United States government to deter or quash cruel and unusual punishment … on foreign soil.”
Centrality of land
Last week marked the fifth anniversary of the U.N.’s adoption of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which recognises a spectrum of indigenous peoples’ rights to self-determination and governments’ concurrent responsibilities. When it was passed, in mid-September 2007, the United States was one of only four countries, out of 143, to refuse to vote for its adoption.
In 2010, however, President Obama announced that the U.S. would reverse its position. At the time, the president stated that “few have been more marginalised and ignored by Washington for as long as Native Americans … While we cannot erase the scourges or broken promises of our past, we will move ahead together in writing a new, brighter chapter in our joint history.”
Anaya’s report underscores the continued relevance of the declaration, and calls on the United States to use it as “an important impetus and guide for improving on existing measures”.
Further, the special rapporteur appears to take some issue with President Obama’s suggestion that little can be done to address the past. In particular, he calls on the U.S. government to take a new look at how it deals with the issue of traditional lands.
In May, at the end of his research trip to the United States, Anaya create a brief public furore by calling for the U.S. government to hand back traditional lands that now include Mount Rushmore, an iconic national memorial comprised of the faces of four notable U.S. presidents carved out of a massive cliff face.
Anaya revisits the issue in his official report, calling the Black Hills an “emblematic case”. While the federal government has initiated some projects to restore control by indigenous peoples over their traditional lands, “My central recommendation … will be for there to be more of these kind of initiatives,” Anaya said in a short videoreleased last week.
The land issue has been fingered as one of the main reasons behind the U.S. government’s initial reluctance to back the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which recognises indigenous peoples’ rights to traditional lands and resources and urges states to give indigenous communities “legal recognition and protection to these lands”.
Public’s responsibility
While much of Anaya’s report focuses on U.S. government actions, there has also been a significant cultural marginalisation of indigenous communities within U.S. society as well, a lesser-discussed factor that nonetheless has broad impact.
“Two of the biggest obstacles to change are the stereotypes and misconceptions that exist about history and why things are the way they are today,” Helen Oliff, with National Relief Charities, a group that focuses on poverty among U.S. indigenous communities, told IPS.
“The people are simply looking for a level playing field – they’re not looking for an easy life but for equitable opportunity. Importantly, the report echoes the voice of the American Indian people, and is representative of what we hear and see through our work in Indian country.”
Anaya, too, highlights the need for a broader understanding in the U.S. of the realities, both positive and negative, of its indigenous communities.
“What really is needed is greater awareness by the broader American public of the vibrancy and continuity of these peoples within the American social political fabric, and the contribution that indigenous peoples make,” he says. “The larger public, from what I’m seeing, is by and large ignorant about the presence of indigenous peoples … (and that) they face severe challenges.”
He continues: “With that awareness, people can take actions that are appropriate to their local circumstances.” (

Minggu, 23 September 2012

Buctar Ancam Ungkap Pelaku Pengrusakan LAPAS Abepura

Buctar Tabuni Ketika Di Jayapura (Ist)
JAYAPURA – Ada yang menarik dalam sidang lanjutan kasus pengrusakan Lapas Abepura dengan terdakwa Ketua Parlemen Nasional Papua Barat, Buchtar Tabuni (Mantan Ketua Umum KNPB), di Pengadilan Negeri Klas 1A Jayapura, Jumat (21/9), kemarin.
Dalam sidang kemarin, selain minta keringanan, Buchtar juga mengancam akan membuat laporan polisi dan akan membeberkan siapa sebenarnya  aktor utama kasus pengrusakan Lapas Abepura tersebut.

Hal itu diungkapkan dalam sidang pembelaan (eksepsi) dari Buchtar Tabuni, yang tertulisnya dibacakan lima penasehat hukumnya atas tuntutan 1 tahun penjara dari Jaksa Penuntut Umum, dalam sidang di ruang sidang utama. Sidang ini dipimpin Hakim Ketua, Haris Munandar,SH.

Dikatakan, ancaman itu akan dilakukan bila ia bebas. Buctar merasa bahwa kasus kerusuhan yang berujung pada pengrusakan fasilitas Lapas Abepura pada 3 Desember 2011 lalu, ada orang lain yang lebih pantas dijadikan terdakwanya. Hanya saja Buctar tidak menyebut siapa orang yang dimaksud  tersebut.

Selain itu, ia juga menyatakan dalam pembelaan lisannya bahwa kasus kerusuhan di Lapas, termasuk larinya sejumlah Narapidana hingga menelan korban jiwa atas nama Miron Wetipo dalam pelariannya, adalah sebagai satu konspirasi.

Salah satunya adalah bertujuan untuk menjelekkan kredibilitas Kalapas Baru, Liberti Sitinjak yang saat pelantikannya menuai protes dari Kalapas sebelumnya, Antonius Ayorbaba. Bahkan sempat menyinggu ada proyek bernilai milyaran terkait kasus tersebut.

Sidangnya sendiri berlangsung aman dan tertib, meski sekitar 50 orang pendukung dan simpatisan serta aktifis KNPB sempat menggelar  demo dan meneriakkan tuntutan pembebasan Buchtar Tabuni tanpa syarat. Kelompok Massa KNPB   yang  dikoordinir Victor Yeimo  berjalan  menuju Pengadilan Negeri Jayapura, selanjutnya  massa yang berjumlah sekitar  40 an orang itu membentangkan spanduk bertuliskan, Segera bebaskan Buctar  Tabuni, Ketua Parlemen West Papua tanpa syarat.

Dalam aksi  Demo itu, massa KNPB  seperti dilontarkan Viktor Yeimo minta kepada aparat penegak hukum untuk segera membebaskan Buctar Tabuni, karena selama beberapa kali persidangan tak dapat membuktikan keterlibatan Buctar dalam kasus yang dituduhkan kepadanya yakni melakukan pengrusakan Lapas Abepura pada 3 Desember 2010 lalu,  yang dinilai tak berdasarkan fakta hukum  persidangan.

Sedangkan dalam nota pembelaan yang dibacakan para penasehat hukumnya, Gustaf Kawer,SH,M.Si; dan sejumlah pengacara lain, menyatakan agar terdakwa dibebaskan, karena unsur-unsur yang menjadi dasar tuntutan dan dakwaan Jaksa Penuntut Umum tidak ada yang terpenuhi.

Yaitu unsur barang siapa, unsur terang-terangan, unsur bersama-sama melakukan kekerasan, dan unsur terhadap orang atau barang.

“Dengan tidak terbuktinya salah satu unsur dari dakwaan saja, maka dianggap secara hukum tindak pidana yang didakwakan dalam dakwaan kesatu ini tidak terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan,” ungkap penasehat hukum terdakwa saat membacakan analisa hukum atas kasus tersebut.

Dalam  awal nota pleidoi dari Buchtar yang dibacakan para penasehat hukumnya juga menyatakan bahwa terdakwa menyayangkan atas proses penangkapan terdakwa pada tangal 7 Juni 12 di Lampu Merah Abepura, karena tanpa menunjukkan surat tugas maupaun surat penangkapan.

Dan pada saat terjadi keributan di dalam Lapas Abepura, dalam nota pembelaannya, Buchtar menyangkal terlibat dalam aksi pengrusakan. Justru menyatakan ia yang berusaha menenangkan massa untuk tidak berbuat anarkis serta tidak masuk ke ruang steril.

Atas dibacakannya nota pembelaan tersebut, Majelis Hakim menyatakan langsung diberikan vonisnya, namun tidak bisa langsung disampaikan, karena harus dibuat konsepnya. Sehingga sidang ditunda hingga Selasa (25/9).(aj/ven/don/l03)

Comprehensive Dialogue Urgent For Papua

Jakarta, Voice Baptist,---Activists and rights campaigners have called on President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to use his visit to Papua next month to initiate a dialogue with all members of the Papuan community to find a lasting solution to tension in the country’s easternmost province.
An activist with the Papuan Peace Network, Theo Hesegem, said the only way to end the violence in Papua was by holding a comprehensive dialogue with all stakeholders ranging from local businesspeople, local administrations, indigenous communities and members of rebel groups.
Theo added that it was high time for the government to embrace members of the Free Papua Movement (OPM) in a dialogue for peace. 
“It is corruption that is destroying Papua, not the OPM, which has been condemned as a separatist organization. The central government has intentionally nurtured corrupt practices throughout the country, including in Papua, by not doing anything about it,” Theo said.
He said the OPM and other noted figures, including Theys Hiyo Eluay and Mako Tabuni, had struggled against corruption, which had caused injustice to the people of Papua.
Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) researcher Muridan Widjojo said the OPM had been used as a shield for the government’s incompetence in administering the province.
“The OPM has conveniently been used as a scapegoat for the government’s reluctance to uphold justice [in Papua]. This has only nurtured respect for the movement among Papuans, who view the OPM as a kind of messiah who will one day deliver them from injustice,” Muridan said.
Muridan also called on the government to work harder to end the cycle of violence in Papua or risk dealing with the growing popularity of the OPM.
“Papuans name their children after local rights heroes, such as Mako Tabuni or Theys Hiyo Eluay. It’s the way Papuans deal with all the discrimination and injustice they have suffered. Both of them died but their spirits live on,” Muridan said.
Theys was killed by members of the Army’s Special Forces (Kopassus) on Nov. 10, 2002. Mako, meanwhile, was killed in an ambush by police in June of this year.
Separately, Poengky Indarti of human rights watchdog Imparsial said that Yudhoyono, whose term is due to expire in 2014, was burdened with the task of overseeing the peace process in Papua.
“The President has publicly said that his government is open for dialogue to discuss development in Papua. I think this is the right time for him to do that because soon he will be preoccupied with the 2014 legislative and presidential elections involving his Democratic Party,” Poengky said over the weekend.
She said dialogue was now even more urgent, given the Indonesian government’s refusal to adopt recommendations to promote human rights in Papua, as suggested by the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) at its quadrennial Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in Geneva, Switzerland in May.
The UNHRC asked Indonesia to adopt several recommendations on Papua, including to end the impunity enjoyed by members of the security forces who commit human rights violations in the province; to release all Papuans who have been detained for publicly expressing their aspirations; and to ensure free access for foreign journalists to Papua and West Papua.
The government is due to raise special autonomy funding for Papua to Rp 4.3 trillion (US$450.5 million) next year from this year’s Rp 3.10 trillion, and to Rp 1.8 trillion for West Papua from this year’s Rp 1.33 trillion. (*)